Cryptocurrency tracker web app
For the Cognizant-Platform by Per Scholas Java Developer class
For now, my goal is to create a prototype with dummy data but I aim to use the API when the data and website function together up to standard.
To run on a localhost: Install Spring 4 with the Spring 3 add-on into Eclipse EE. Place 'ojdbc7.jar' and 'json-simple-1.1.1.jar' into the '/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib' folder. Install TomCat, create a server and run.
Dummy Data: Bitcoin information collected from the API using the CryptoCollector/ file, and the python package made by lagerfeuer.
TODO / Production path:
- Wireframe pages
- Create database and schema
- Implement DAO methods AND pages:
- User coin registration/deletion
- User Coin List display
- Coin information display
- Coin information register as user coin (if logged in)
- Contact pages
- User/Admin pages
- Admin - account CRUD
- Users - Modify data
- Charts on Coin information display
- (Ongoing) Source control on GitHub/Update user stories on Jira
- Deployment
- Java
- Spring MVC
- Maven
- Oracle SQL
- Python
- Jira
- JUnit (Credit/Debit needed for a year of free service)
- Database Access Objects: Refactor them into Models/BeanDAOs instead of CRUD-based DAOS
- Refine the implementation of MVC and have the Controllers simple, business logic done in the beans, and the views with less code.
- Table list/Graph in a more user friendly format
- Figure out why home page (coin list) takes so long to generate