Feature/api (#10)
* Refactor server shutdown and signal handling
* Refactor server shutdown and signal handling
* Add server
* Refactor health check endpoint to include server and telegram status
* Refactor health check endpoint to include server and telegram status
* Refactor main.go to include server shutdown and signal handling
* Refactor main.go to include setting the maxprocs environment variable in container runtimes
* Refactor main.go to remove unused code for server shutdown and signal handling
* Refactor main.go to remove unused code for server shutdown and signal handling
* Refactor response.go to include error status and extra data
* File server
* Refactor main.go to remove unused code for echo endpoint
* Refactor main.go to remove duplicate code for echo endpoint
* Refactor response.go to include error status and extra data
* Refactor routes.go and server.go to improve echo endpoint functionality
* Refactor global package and add err package
* Add verification from API
* Refactor .golangci.yml to disable nestif linter