I moved my addons to a own organisation for easier maintaining and maybe allowing contributers to maintain one addon as well. Please switch to the new repository to get future updates.
This repository will be archived and won't get any updates after this.
To the new repository: https://github.com/Poeschl-HomeAssistant-Addons/repository
My repository with Add-ons for the Home Assistant (former Hass.io) system.
- ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo - Valetudo Companion for map generation.
- MaryTTS - A local Text-To-Speech system.
- PicoTTS - Text to speech voice sinthesizer from SVox, included in Android AOSP.
- pigpio - The pigpio led control for the Raspberry as addon.
- MPD - A small media player with minimalistic web ui.
- valetudo-mapper - Valetudo RE Companion for map generation
- ympd - A very lightweight Web interface for controlling MPD music servers.
- Git Exporter - Exports your Home Assistant config to any git repository (secrets check included)
- Syncthing - A de-centralized file synchronisation program. Focused on privacy.
- rsync - Synces folders from Home Assistant to a other machine via rsync and ssh.
- rsync-local - Synces folders to local devices like usb-sticks.
- VNC Viewer - A VNC viewer addon, to integrate VNC displays into HA.
- Mopidy - A media player with web interface.
- Asterisk - An open source framework for building communications applications.
- OWASP Juice Shop - The most trustworthy online shop out there. A totally unsecure plattform.
Further informatione about the add-ons can be found in their folders.
Those addons might not be stable at all. Use at your own risk!
These addons will not be updated anymore. Feel free to fork them.
- Docker Container Stats - Lightwight monitoring of all the running docker containers.
- OWASP ZAP - A security testing tool with MITM funtionality.
- mitmproxy - A simple MITM proxy to trace network requests.
To install any of the add-ons offered in this repository, you must first add its repository URL to your Home Assistant instance. To do so, click the following button
or manually add the the following repository URL in the Home Assistant add-on store:
Then search for any of the add-ons in our addon store (button below) to install them.
You can also install them over the buttons in the Readmes of the addon folders.
The licence of the repository is inherited by the plugins, if not stated differently.