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TensorFlow re-implementation of SQN for weakly supervised segmentation on point clouds.


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This repo is an unofficial TensorFlow implementation of Semantic Query Network (SQN). Yet, it achieves comparable or even better performance on S3DIS as the SQN paper (w/o any additional training strategies, e.g., re-training w. pseudo labels), check Results section for details.

New (Nov. 4, 2021): this SQN implementation achieves further performance boost using imbalanced learning techniques. Under 0.01%, it achieves 48.98% mIoU, outperforming the official SQN by 3.68%..

New update(Oct. 28, 2021): our repo also outperforms recent SOTA One Thing One Click on S3DIS under 0.02% weak labels, achieving 50.72 mIoU. check Results section for details.

Our repo achieves better performance (47.56% mIoU) on S3DIS than the original SQN paper (45.30% mIoU) under w. only 0.01% weak labels. Check its checkpoint for details.


The latest codes are tested on two Ubuntu settings:

  • Ubuntu 18.04, Nvidia 1080, CUDA 10.1, TensorFlow 1.13 and Python 3.6
  • Ubuntu 18.04, Nvidia 3090, CUDA 11.3, TensorFlow 1.13 and Python 3.6

Clone the repository

git clone && cd SQN_tensorflow

Setup python environment

create a conda environment

# DL is the conda env name
conda create -n DL python=3.5
source activate DL
pip install -r helper_requirements.txt
# compile the sub-sampling and knn op

For more details to set up the development environment, check the official RandLA-Net repo.

Download S3DIS (and make a symlink)

You can download the S3DIS dataset from here (4.8 GB). You only need to download the file named, unzip and move (or link) it to a folder. (same as the RandLA-Net repo setting.)

# assume S3DIS dataset is downloaded at /media/yinchao/dataset/S3DIS
ln -s /media/yinchao/dataset/S3DIS ./data/S3DIS/Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version   

Preprocess S3DIS dataset

You can use the script to prepare the S3DIS dataset with weak labels.

# prepare the dataset, each room (Note: each area is preprocessed in the CLoserLook3D code) will result in four files 1 file in the original_ply folder for raw_pc.ply, and 3 files in the input_0.040 for, sub_pc.kdtree, and project_indices file for each raw point, check for details.

python utils/

# check #rooms in npy format, should be 272 rooms
find *.npy | wc -l

The data file structure should look like:

├── ...
├── data
│   └── S3DIS
│       └── Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version
│           ├── Area_1
│           ├── Area_2
│           ├── Area_3
│           ├── Area_4
│           ├── Area_5
│           └── Area_6
│       └── input_0.040
│       └── original_ply
│       └── weak_label_0.01
└── ...

Compile custom CUDA tf_ops

Only tf_ops/3d_interpolation CUDA ops need to be compiled, which will used for three trilinear interpolation.

check the; You may need to tailor the CUDA_ROOT and TF_ROOT path according to your own system.


# TF1.4 (Note: -L ${TF_ROOT} should have a space in between)
g++ -std=c++11 tf_interpolate.cpp -o -shared -fPIC -I ${TF_ROOT}/include -I ${CUDA_ROOT}/include -I ${TF_ROOT}/include/external/nsync/public -lcudart -L ${CUDA_ROOT}/lib64/ -L ${TF_ROOT} -ltensorflow_framework -O2 # -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0

For more details, check Charles' PointNet2


To train the SQN, run this command:

python \
--gpu 0 \
--mode train \
--test_area 5

For more arguments, see or use python --help to see documentation.

P.S.: you can use bash script to train multiple settings or do ablation study.


To evaluate our model on S3DIS, run:

python \
--gpu 0 \
--mode test \
--test_area 5

For more arguments, see or use python --help to see documentation.


Our SQN achieves the following performance on S3DIS:

We use Nvidia 1080 GPU to train the replicated SQN with a small batch size; The performance might be improved if a powerful GPU w. larger memory could be used. We will update this performance table with a Nvidia 3090 in the future.

Model Weak ratio mIoU(%) Description
SQN(Official) 100% 63.73 trained with full labels
SQN(Official) 10% 64.67 Note: add retrain w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 10% in progress no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(Official) 1% 63.65 Note: add retrain w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 1% in progress no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(Official) 0.1% 61.41 Note: add retrain w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 0.1% 55.25 no retraining w. pseudo labels
One-Thing-One-Click 0.02% 50.1 CVPR2021 paper
SQN(this repo) 0.02% 50.72 no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(Official) 0.01% 45.30 Note: add retrain w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 0.01% 48.98 no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 0.0067% 46.81 no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 0.005% 45.27 no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 0.002% 39.54 no retraining w. pseudo labels
SQN(this repo) 0.001% 35.65 no retraining w. pseudo labels

Note: experiments are still in progress due to my slow GPU. Stay in tuned.

Those numbers surpassing the official SQN is highlighted in bold in the table.

Pre-trained Models

You can download pre-trained models and training log here:

Each check point folder has the following files:

checkpoint folder

Use the below script to run checkpoint model on S3DIS:

python -B \
--gpu 0 \
--mode test \
--test_area 5 \
--model_path [your_checkpoint_path, e.g., /path/xx/snap-27001; no need add the file extension]


Our pytorch codes borrowed a lot from official RandLA-Net and the custom trilinear interoplation CUDA ops are modified from official Pointnet2.


  • re-train w. pseudo labels to further improve performance
  • apply self-supervised learning techniques, e.g., Contrastive Learning.
  • implement the training strategy mentioned in the Appendix of the paper.
  • ablation study
  • benchmark weak supervision
  • dataset preparation implementation
  • SQN architecture implementation consisting of encoder and query network
  • training an evaluation loop modification



If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    Author = {YIN, Chao},
    Title = {SQN TensorFlow implementation},
    Journal = {},
    Year = {2021}

    title={SQN: Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale 3D Point Clouds with 1000x Fewer Labels},
    author={Hu, Qingyong and Yang, Bo and Fang, Guangchi and Guo, Yulan and Leonardis, Ales and Trigoni, Niki and Markham, Andrew},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.04891},