This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 17, 2021. It is now read-only.
70 commits
to main
since this release
This release includes many bug fixes, formatting fixes, and rule improvements. All die rolls were audited for fun level and player engagement, with pointless rolls being eliminated, given consequences for failure, and/or alternative lower-risk non-random alternatives. Vehicle/Monster units have been made more vulnerable in rough terrain and close quarters. Psychic combat is now riskier. A new explicit Reaction system allows units to interact in a new way.
Here is the full list of changes:
New Opposed psychic combat mechanics:
- Psychic powers now automatically succeed
- Any enemy Caster model may pass a Will roll to nullify the power
- The original casting model may pass a Will roll to nullify the nullification and make the power succeed again
- And so on, until the power goes off, gets nullified, one side opts to stop rolling, or either the caster or nullifier dies, because all psychic Will rolls have the Unstable 2 rule!
- Additional Caster models in the casting or nullifying unit provide a +1 Will bonus on rolls to cast and nullify powers
- All Caster units are now able to cast and nullify only one psychic power per action
A new Reaction system was introduced replacing the ad-hoc system of Forced Move Actions and interrupt Defend actions:
- All Reactions give the reacting unit a Suppression Marker, imposing a penalty for interrupting the normal sequence of gameplay to react to enemy action
- Withdraw reaction replaces the old Forced Move Action
- Counter-attack reaction replaces the old optional interrupt-based shoot action when charged
- Go to Ground reaction replaces the old optional interrupt-based Defend action (and cannot be used by Flying and Vehicle/Monster units)
- Death-or-glory attacks: Reacting to a Vehicle/Monster unit's charge with a Counter-Attack Reaction must destroy the charging unit or else the reacting unit is destroyed!
Other rules changes in this version:
- Actions no longer need to be declared ahead of time; you can not choose a unit's second action after seeing the results of the first action
- Units may now optionally pass a Will roll to ignore their Suppression Markers in a heroic feat of bravery, but if they fail the roll, they gain an additional one and deactivate!
- Orders now automatically succeed without needing to pass a Will roll, but instead you can pass a will roll to extend the range to 18" (at the cost of wasting the order if the roll fails)
- Added a new universally-available order: "Call in an airstrike!" This is similar to the old PDF "Call in fire support!" order, but not everyone gets it
- "Strike harder!" order now grants a fixed number of re-rolls (3) instead of D5
- "Get back into the fight!" order has been renamed to "Regroup!"
- Vehicle/Monster units can now only fire at targets in their front arc, providing a purpose for their reduced turning mobility
- Distances are now measured between the two closest visible models in the firing and target units
- Introduced the possibility for weapons to have minimum ranges, measured to the farthest model in the target unit, and applied it to PDF and Orc artillery and heavy tank weapons
- The Strider rule has been renamed Pathfinder and automatically grants movement up vertically impassible terrain
- Added a new Pathbound rule to model wheeled and tracked vehicles that get bogged down in difficult terrain, and applied it to relevant PDF and Orc tanks, APCs, trucks, and bikes
- Scouts units also activate first, along with Fast and Transport units
- Single-model non-Vehicle/Monster units all benefit from the same protection from being targeted previous only afforded to single-model Leadership units
- Flying units are no longer allowed to take Defend Actions
- Failing the Will roll to split fire or shoot at a distant target now imposes a -1 Shoot penalty
- When a charging unit fails its charge because the charged unit makes a Withdraw Reaction, the charging unit's models are moved as far as they can anyway
- Added a new Support unit type and changed some Orc and PDF units to be Support instead of Spearhead or Leadership; these units are small and rare and exist to boost other units, without providing direct damage or leadership
- FUBAR advanced rule replaced with Inexperienced, which imposes a permanent -1 Shoot and Fight penalty to all units
- Added new advanced rule allowing players to take voluntary handicaps
- Acute Senses also nullifies Go To Ground Life bonus, just like it does for the Defend action
Mission changes in this version:
- Made it possible to deploy forces properly when playing with more than 3 players
- Reduced the size of deployment zones to 10" and some other mission-related distances from 6" to 5"
- Increased the minimum distance between opposed models during deployment to 25"
- You no longer roll for initiative; it's now just a fixed number comparison. Also, Scouts units no longer grant a bonus on it (but Leadership units still do)
Factions changes in this version:
- New PDF Engineering Team unit that specializes in securing objectives and can destroy terrain features
- New PDF Mechanic unit that can repair vehicles
- Antimatter weapons renamed to be Plasma weapons
- More PDF units can upgrade one model to have a Plasma Pistol
- PDF transport units can buy the Acute Senses rule as an upgrade
- PDF Conscript Mob cost reduced from 100 to 90 and Life reduced from 7+ to 8+
- PDF Paratrooper Squad cost reduced from 90 to 80, Life reduced from 6+ to 8+, and given two special weapons for free
- PDF "Call in fire support!" order has been removed, because it was made a universal order
- New Reveal psychic power for PDF Impressed Psychic model
- New Teleport and Brutalize psychic powers for Orc Psycho Boss model