This is @Perfare's Modified version of Il2CppDumper (GUI) for Android
- Android 6 - Android 14
- API Level 23 - API Level 34
- Apk shipped with only armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a architecture
Tested in Android 6 & 13 physical device
- Merged latest commit from upstream
- Fixed [#issue-2]
- Project Migration Xamarin.Android -> .NET Android
- Support for Android 14
- Minimum android set to 6
- Saving and Resetting configuration now saved as preferences for next time .
- Output directory log color changed to a bit more bright
- Unused DumpN folder inside "DumpDroid" folder now reused in next dump .
- In Configaration Dialog, DumpProperty by default disabled
- Some Code improvements
For all change logs [Click here]
If you're using version v2.0.1 or older, then please uninstall previous one first . As I've signed new apks with different keystore.
If installation failed for any reason, uninstall the previous version and try again !!
- Protected Target's can't be dump by this dumper (same as @Perfare's one)
- If you find any bug or problem then please kindly report it with proper information, I'll try my best to resolve it.
- In low-end devices it take a while to dump .
- Output files directory is under 'DumpDroid' folder
- Visit Perfare's Dumper , To know more about it .
Download : Latest Release Download : Direct Link[apk]
In Latest Release section two variants of apk provided . Performance one is compiled with AOT (Ahead of Time) + LLVM configaration and provides 15-40% faster speed when dumping . classic one is just like old releases and less in size . Recommend one is Performance apk
This repo is just to distribute the application (apk) and doesn't contain any code at all , hence all tags is dummy & have no use . Make your business with just the release section. And not to mention i'm not taking any responsibility for misuse of this app .