The goal is to test a specific buggy implementation of the matrix multiplication software. Your objectives are:
To identify test cases able to spot the errors and
To automate the execution of tests through Google Test.
The implementation to be tested is a matrix multiplication function made available as a compiled object code. The function has the following signature:
void multiplyMatrices(
const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& A,
const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& B,
std::vector<std::vector<int>>& C,
int rowsA, int colsA, int colsB
Use the template available here to create your own github repository. The project includes:
The matrix multiplication object code in the library
under the lib folder. -
The header defining the matrix multiplication signature under the include folder.
The file
under folder test that contains a simple example of test case. -
The makefile you can use for building the software.
The file
under folder src that includes a correct implementation of the matrix multiplication you can use as a reference
Your task is extending the file test_matrix_multiplication.cpp
with your
test cases. Please insert proper comments in the code to explain why you
have selected that specific test case and the behaviour you expect from
it. Push the result of your work in your repo. If your local environment
does not allow you to create a correct build, consider using the GitHub
actions and their runners. This will be useful also for your next task.