Releases: PortalRex/portal2coopsp
Bug fixes & Lighting
More Hub!!!
Recycled Hub! Currently there is no progress tracking as that will probably come when P2CE is released.
You decided to switch to Acts rather than Chapters and we made it happen!
Act 2 was split in half due to the length.
Shout out to Bets once again for doing all of the work.
Added a temporary hub system while we make a proper hub! You will be taken to the hub at the end of every chapter.
Readded the 'Go To Hub' button in the UI.
The buttons can be a little buggy but this is only temporary.
Shout out to bets for doing all of the work.
And the people who made the Coop Mod Template it came in handy!
Core Fixes
Fixed softlock on Core, re-added closing of the stalemate room, and added closest player targeting to Glados and Wheatley.
Added areaportal back to Conversion Intro to hopefully help with crashes.
Targeting! Cleanups! Fixes!
Oh boy here we go.
Fixed Textures on: Container Ride, Cube Momentum, Ceiling Catapult, Funnel Intro, Ceiling Button, Wall Button, Polarity, Funnel Catch, Stop the Box, Laser Platform, Propulsion Catch, Repulsion Polarity, and Finale 1.
Added Targeting to: Portal Gun, Secret Panel, Bridge the Gap, Jailbreak, Escape, Turret Factory, Turret Sabotage, Neurotoxin Sabotage, and Finale 4. The func_tank (Wheatley) will target the closest player.
Fixed the following problems:
Softlock potential on Turret Intro.
Black windows on Cave Johnson.
Softlock prevention will work with both players now on Turret Blocker.
Removed a death fade trigger from Turret Factory.
Fixed broken VGUI screens on Triple Laser, Funnel Catch, and Wall Button.
Fixed players spawning the incorrect way on PotatOS, Propulsion Intro, and Propulsion Flings.
Fixed Nodraw problems on Laser Over Goo, Three Gels, Ceiling Button, Wall Button, and Propulsion Catch.
Fixed a seam in the spawn room of Test.
Fixed (hopefully) closed captions from showing up with "Test Chamber Movement" on Polarity, Stop the Box, Wall Button, and Propulsion Catch.
Increased playertrigger size on Finale 4 to enable more room for the elevator, Fixed spawns not setting, Redid gel surfaces so they won't change textures, Added a restart level trigger if the players fail to defeat Wheatley in time.
Fizzler Removal Service
Removed the fizzlers closest to the door on the following maps: Portal Gun, Dual Lasers, Fizzler Intro, Triple Laser, Ceiling Catapult, Laser Relays, Laser V Turret, Laser Platform, Ceiling Button, Funnel Intro, Wall button, and Polarity.
Fixed no draw on Laser Over Goo.
Fixed door staying open after double button activation on Portal Carousel.
Potentially fixed doors closing on Trust Fling, and Portal Carousel.
More Fixes
Small fixes on polarity and ceiling catapult.
Dialogue Fixes
Should fix the early dialogue starts on all maps.
Initial Release
Initial release of mod