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Jaykul committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent ec626d7 commit 99cc6a8
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,394 additions and 249 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions ErrorView.code-workspace
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"folders": [
"name": "ErrorView",
"path": "."
"path": "../../Tasks"
"settings": {
"powershell.cwd": "."
335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions Reference/default.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
if (@('NativeCommandErrorMessage','NativeCommandError') -notcontains $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -and @('CategoryView','ConciseView','DetailedView') -notcontains $ErrorView)
$myinv = $_.InvocationInfo
if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)
switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )
if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)
$myinv.MyCommand.Path + ' : '
if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)
$myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + ' : '
if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\.]?$')
if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)
$myinv.MyCommand.Name + ' : '
$myinv.InvocationName + ' : '
elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)
$myinv.InvocationName + ' : '
Set-StrictMode -Off
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
trap { 'Error found in error view definition: ' + $_.Exception.Message }
$newline = [Environment]::Newline
$resetColor = ''
$errorColor = ''
$accentColor = ''
if ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences))) {
$resetColor = $PSStyle.Reset
$errorColor = $PSStyle.Formatting.Error
$accentColor = $PSStyle.Formatting.ErrorAccent
function Get-ConciseViewPositionMessage {
# returns a string cut to last whitespace
function Get-TruncatedString($string, [int]$length) {
if ($string.Length -le $length) {
return $string
return ($string.Substring(0,$length) -split '\s',-2)[0]
$posmsg = ''
$headerWhitespace = ''
$offsetWhitespace = ''
$message = ''
$prefix = ''
# The checks here determine if we show line detailed error information:
# - check if `ParserError` and comes from PowerShell which eventually results in a ParseException, but during this execution it's an ErrorRecord
# - check if invocation is a script or multiple lines in the console
# - check that it's not a script module as expectation is that users don't want to see the line of error within a module
if ((($err.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ParserError' -and $err.Exception -is 'System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException') -or $myinv.ScriptName -or $myinv.ScriptLineNumber -gt 1) -and $myinv.ScriptName -notmatch '\.psm1$') {
$useTargetObject = $false
# Handle case where there is a TargetObject and we can show the error at the target rather than the script source
if ($_.TargetObject.Line -and $_.TargetObject.LineText) {
$posmsg = "${resetcolor}$($_.TargetObject.File)${newline}"
$useTargetObject = $true
elseif ($myinv.ScriptName) {
if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq 'vscode') {
# If we are running in vscode, we know the file:line:col links are clickable so we use this format
$posmsg = "${resetcolor}$($myinv.ScriptName):$($myinv.ScriptLineNumber):$($myinv.OffsetInLine)${newline}"
else {
$posmsg = "${resetcolor}$($myinv.ScriptName):$($myinv.ScriptLineNumber)${newline}"
else {
$posmsg = "${newline}"
if ($useTargetObject) {
$scriptLineNumber = $_.TargetObject.Line
$scriptLineNumberLength = $_.TargetObject.Line.ToString().Length
else {
$scriptLineNumber = $myinv.ScriptLineNumber
$scriptLineNumberLength = $myinv.ScriptLineNumber.ToString().Length
if ($scriptLineNumberLength -gt 4) {
$headerWhitespace = ' ' * ($scriptLineNumberLength - 4)
$lineWhitespace = ''
if ($scriptLineNumberLength -lt 4) {
$lineWhitespace = ' ' * (4 - $scriptLineNumberLength)
$verticalBar = '|'
$posmsg += "${accentColor}${headerWhitespace}Line ${verticalBar}${newline}"
$highlightLine = ''
if ($useTargetObject) {
$line = $_.TargetObject.LineText.Trim()
$offsetLength = 0
$offsetInLine = 0
else {
$positionMessage = $myinv.PositionMessage.Split($newline)
$line = $positionMessage[1].Substring(1) # skip the '+' at the start
$highlightLine = $positionMessage[$positionMessage.Count - 1].Substring(1)
$offsetLength = $highlightLine.Trim().Length
$offsetInLine = $highlightLine.IndexOf('~')
if (-not $line.EndsWith($newline)) {
$line += $newline
# don't color the whole line
if ($offsetLength -lt $line.Length - 1) {
$line = $line.Insert($offsetInLine + $offsetLength, $resetColor).Insert($offsetInLine, $accentColor)
$posmsg += "${accentColor}${lineWhitespace}${ScriptLineNumber} ${verticalBar} ${resetcolor}${line}"
$offsetWhitespace = ' ' * $offsetInLine
$prefix = "${accentColor}${headerWhitespace} ${verticalBar} ${errorColor}"
if ($highlightLine -ne '') {
$posMsg += "${prefix}${highlightLine}${newline}"
$message = "${prefix}"
if (! $err.ErrorDetails -or ! $err.ErrorDetails.Message) {
if ($err.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ParserError' -and $err.Exception.Message.Contains("~$newline")) {
# need to parse out the relevant part of the pre-rendered positionmessage
$message += $err.Exception.Message.split("~$newline")[1].split("${newline}${newline}")[0]
elseif ($err.Exception) {
$message += $err.Exception.Message
elseif ($err.Message) {
$message += $err.Message
else {
$message += $err.ToString()
else {
$message += $err.ErrorDetails.Message
# if rendering line information, break up the message if it's wider than the console
if ($myinv -and $myinv.ScriptName -or $err.CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'ParserError') {
$prefixLength = "$([char]27)]8;;{0}`a{1}$([char]27)]8;;`a" -f $pwd, $pwd::new($prefix).ContentLength
$prefixVtLength = $prefix.Length - $prefixLength
# replace newlines in message so it lines up correct
$message = $message.Replace($newline, ' ').Replace("`n", ' ').Replace("`t", ' ')
$windowWidth = 120
if ($Host.UI.RawUI -ne $null) {
$windowWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
if ($windowWidth -gt 0 -and ($message.Length - $prefixVTLength) -gt $windowWidth) {
$sb = [Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$substring = Get-TruncatedString -string $message -length ($windowWidth + $prefixVTLength)
$null = $sb.Append($substring)
$remainingMessage = $message.Substring($substring.Length).Trim()
$null = $sb.Append($newline)
while (($remainingMessage.Length + $prefixLength) -gt $windowWidth) {
$subMessage = $prefix + $remainingMessage
$substring = Get-TruncatedString -string $subMessage -length ($windowWidth + $prefixVtLength)
if ($substring.Length - $prefix.Length -gt 0)
$null = $sb.Append($substring)
$null = $sb.Append($newline)
$remainingMessage = $remainingMessage.Substring($substring.Length - $prefix.Length).Trim()
$null = $sb.Append($prefix + $remainingMessage.Trim())
$message = $sb.ToString()
$message += $newline
$posmsg += "${errorColor}" + $message
$reason = 'Error'
if ($err.Exception -and $err.Exception.WasThrownFromThrowStatement) {
$reason = 'Exception'
# MyCommand can be the script block, so we don't want to show that so check if it's an actual command
elseif ($myinv.MyCommand -and $myinv.MyCommand.Name -and (Get-Command -Name $myinv.MyCommand -ErrorAction Ignore))
$reason = $myinv.MyCommand
# If it's a scriptblock, better to show the command in the scriptblock that had the error
elseif ($_.CategoryInfo.Activity) {
$reason = $_.CategoryInfo.Activity
elseif ($myinv.MyCommand) {
$reason = $myinv.MyCommand
elseif ($myinv.InvocationName) {
$reason = $myinv.InvocationName
elseif ($err.CategoryInfo.Category) {
$reason = $err.CategoryInfo.Category
elseif ($err.CategoryInfo.Reason) {
$reason = $err.CategoryInfo.Reason
$errorMsg = 'Error'
"${errorColor}${reason}: ${posmsg}${resetcolor}"
$myinv = $_.InvocationInfo
$err = $_
if (!$myinv -and $_.ErrorRecord -and $_.ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo) {
$err = $_.ErrorRecord
$myinv = $err.InvocationInfo
if ($err.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'NativeCommandErrorMessage' -or $err.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'NativeCommandError') {
return "${errorColor}$($err.Exception.Message)${resetcolor}"
$myinv = $err.InvocationInfo
if ($ErrorView -eq 'DetailedView') {
$message = Get-Error
return "${errorColor}${message}${resetcolor}"
if ($ErrorView -eq 'CategoryView') {
$message = $err.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()
return "${errorColor}${message}${resetcolor}"
$posmsg = ''
if ($ErrorView -eq 'ConciseView') {
$posmsg = Get-ConciseViewPositionMessage
elseif ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($err.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {
$posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage
if ($posmsg -ne '') {
$posmsg = $newline + $posmsg
if ($err.PSMessageDetails) {
$posmsg = ' : ' + $err.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg
if ($ErrorView -eq 'ConciseView') {
if ($err.PSMessageDetails) {
$posmsg = "${errorColor}${posmsg}"
return $posmsg
$indent = 4
$errorCategoryMsg = $err.ErrorCategory_Message
if ($null -ne $errorCategoryMsg)
$indentString = '+ CategoryInfo : ' + $err.ErrorCategory_Message
$indentString = '+ CategoryInfo : ' + $err.CategoryInfo
$posmsg += $newline + $indentString
$indentString = "+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : " + $err.FullyQualifiedErrorId
$posmsg += $newline + $indentString
$originInfo = $err.OriginInfo
if (($null -ne $originInfo) -and ($null -ne $originInfo.PSComputerName))
$indentString = "+ PSComputerName : " + $originInfo.PSComputerName
$posmsg += $newline + $indentString
$finalMsg = if ($err.ErrorDetails.Message) {
$err.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg
} else {
$err.Exception.Message + $posmsg

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