Want to contribute ? Refer Contributing.md
Every year in October, an open source event called Hacktoberfest inspires individuals all over the world to actively engage in and contribute to open source projects that are hosted on GitHub and GitLab. By taking part in this event, you may receive a free GitHub swag pack. You must submit 4 pull requests in order to receive that awesome swag pack.
You can pick an issue and complete it, but there is twist. You have to select a language from the list below to complete the issue.
- Complete the registartion over https://hacktoberfest.com/
- Fork this repository.
- Clone on your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/<your github username>/Hacktoberfest-SocketProgramming-MapReduce.git
git@github.com:<your github username>/Hacktoberfest-SocketProgramming-MapReduce.git
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd Hacktoberfest-SocketProgramming-MapReduce
- Create a new branch.
git checkout -b my-new-branch
- Add your contribution.
git add .
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m "Relevant message"
- Push your changes.
git push origin my-new-branch
Create a new pull request from your forked repository.
Congratulations 🎉 you just made a pull request!
Please be advise: After you completed your task don't close the issue