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PHP preloading for PHP >=7.4. Preloading is a feature of php that will pre-compile php functions and classes to opcache. Thus, this becomes available in your programs with out needing to require the files, which improves speed. To read more on php preloading you can see the opcache.preloading documentation.


The preferred method is with composer.

composer require practically/preloader


After installation you need to create a preload executable.

#!/usr/bin/env php

use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
use Practically\Preloading\Preloader;

if (!function_exists('opcache_compile_file') || !ini_get('opcache.enable')) {
    echo 'Opcache is not available.';

if ('cli' === PHP_SAPI && !ini_get('opcache.enable_cli')) {
    echo 'Opcache is not enabled for CLI applications.';

/** @var ClassLoader */
$autoloader = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$preloader = new Preloader($autoloader);

 * Set regex patterns of classes you want to exclude from preloading. In this
 * example any of the yii2 dev classes and the `Object` class that has been removed
 * and is no longer used

 * A regex pattern of classes to preload this will get of the preloader and
 * preload all of the yii2 classes excluding the above and all of the app
 * classes

 * Preload a directory of php files recucivly
$preloader->preloadDirectory(__DIR__ . '/views');

The preloader uses the composer class map under the hood, so you will need to generate the class map using composer optimised autoloader with the -o flag when running composer.

composer install -o

Once all that is done you will need to configure you php.ini to use the preload script to preload classes and files into the opcache.

; Ensure opcache is enable
; You may need to ensure opcache is enable for cli scripts if needed
; Set the path to the preload script and setup the user if needed


Getting set up

Clone the repo and run composer install. Then start hacking!


All new features of bug fixes must be tested. Testing is with phpunit and can be run with the following command:

composer run-script test

Coding Standards

This library uses Practically coding standards and squizlabs/php_codesniffer for linting. There is a composer script for this:

composer run-script cs:check

Pull Requests

Before you create a pull request with you changes, the pre-commit script must pass. That can be run as follows:

composer run-script pre-commit


This package is created and maintained by