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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

pr: needs tests
pr: needs tests
A pull request that needs more testing before it can be merged
pr: needs work
pr: needs work
Defines a pull request that has been reviewed by someone and needs work before it can be merged
priority: critical
priority: critical
An issue that needs immediate attention, usually a bug
priority: high
priority: high
An issue with high importance but does not need immediate attention
priority: minor
priority: minor
A low priority issue. This might be used in conjunction with the status label `status: future`
priority: normal
priority: normal
The main priority. If the issue does not have a priority then this level is assumed
status: future
status: future
A task that is for reference and is to be completed at a future date
status: in progress
status: in progress
An issue that has been started by someone and they are currently working on it
status: in review
status: in review
Defines an issue that has been done and is ready for review by someone
status: need information
status: need information
An issue that needs information from an external source
status: to do
status: to do
This label defines an issue that needs to be completed and is waiting for someone to start it
status: under discussion
status: under discussion
An issue that is currently under an internal discussion
type: bug
type: bug
Describes an error, fault or unexpected behaviour in the application
type: ci
type: ci
An issue that is related to CI/Deployment of the application
type: improvement
type: improvement
Defines a task that improves a current feature
type: new feature
type: new feature
Describes some new functionality to an application
type: performance
type: performance
An issue related to performance optimisation