CS 5200 Databases Project Group: RiouxSGhumatkarP
- Python version 3.x (Link to download python--> https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- MySQL Community Server 8.0 and above (Link to download mysql community server--> https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/)
- Operating System: Windows 10/8/7, Linux, MacOS
- Minimum 128 MB Ram
- Minimum 10 MB of free storage
- All necessary packages & modules mentioned above under the "Python Libraries to install" section should be installed on the system before hosting this program
- Install pymysql - pip install pymysql
- Install cryptography - pip install cryptography
- Install flask - pip install flask
- Install flask-pymysql - pip install flask-pymysql
Open StreamingDatabaseDump.sql file in the root directory. Run these commands
Ensure Python is installed on your machine and it is able to run through the command prompt or terminal. Check the installation using:
1.1 Windows Command Prompt: python --version
1.2 Unix: python3 --version
Navigate into project directory
2.1. Windows Command Prompt: cd RiouxSGhumatkarPProject\Streaming-Database\FlaskApp
2.2. Unix: cd RiouxSGhumatkarPProject/Streaming-Database/FlaskApp
Run the following command :
3.1. Windows Command Prompt: python -m venv <name_of_virtualenv>
3.2. Unix: python3 -m venv <name_of_virtualenv>
Activate virtual environment
4.1. Windows: <name_of_virtualenv> \Scripts\activate
4.2. Unix: source <name_of_virtualenv> /bin/activate
- Open db_config.py in the FlaskApp folder and change the DB_SERVER, DB_USER and DB_PASS according to your mysql credentials
- Navigate to the FlaskApp folder in the terminal and run the following command : python app.py
- Copy the link in the terminal and paste in a browser
- Interact with the application