This is repository of basic REST API testing framework The public API used for this example is - This framework is developed using Rest-Assured library for Rest API testing For JSON Parsing in java the library used is - json-simple and Jackson API Reporting is by Allure API
- Rest Assured
- TestNG
- Java
- Allure Reports
- Lombok
- IntelliJ
- GitHub
- Maven
- Extent Report
- Scalable and extensible
- Reusable Rest Assured specifications
- Reusable Rest Assured API requests
- Separation of API layer from test layer
- POJOs for Serialization and Deserialization
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Lombok for reducing Boilerplate code
- Builder pattern for Setter methods in POJOs
- Robust reporting and logging using Allure
- Automate positive and negative scenarios
- Support parallel execution
- Data driven using TestNG Data Provider
- Automated access token renewal
- Maven command line execution
- Integration with Git
- Integration with Jenkins
- First way Open the termial and code the project location and run mvn command - mvn test
- Second way right click on the "TestSuite.xml" file
- Third way right click on the ValidateOrder inside testcases package
- Positive Flow:
- Valid input minimum and maximum length of order id
- Valid input order status
- Valid input timestamp
- Negative Flow:
- Invalid input such as invalid order id
- Invalid input such as invalid order status
- Invalid input such as invalid timestamp format
- Invalid header file type
- Error Message:
- Verify error message for different input data
- Security Flow:
- Invalid Authorization values in header
- Request without authorization header
- Performance Flow:
- Validate response time take for request
- Validate the latency for each request