This repository contains a collection of cryptography scripts implemented in Python for decoding various types of text can be a helpful resource for users.Contributions are welcome to add more scripts or improve existing ones!
Description: Decodes ASCII-encoded text.
Usage: python
Description: Decodes Base64-encoded data.
Usage: python
Description: Calculates the modular inverse of a number.
Usage: python
Description: Implements the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.
Usage: python
Description: Encodes and decodes text to/from Morse code.
Usage: python
Description: Performs modular arithmetic using the modulus 41.
Usage: python
Description: Encrypts and decrypts text using the Rail Fence cipher.
Usage: python
Description: Encrypts and decrypts text using the ROT13 cipher.
Usage: python
Description: Encrypts and decrypts text using a substitution cipher.
Usage: python
To get started, clone this repository:
git clone
Feel free to explore the scripts, use them in your projects, and contribute by adding more scripts or improving existing ones!
Contributions are highly appreciated! If you have a new cryptographic technique to add or you want to improve the existing scripts, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Don't forget to follow the contribution guidelines.
Let's make cryptography more accessible and fun for everyone!
Happy coding and Hacking!