Hospital Management System
Attempt at building a Hospital Management System with psql database in backend.
Tables | Attributes |
users | user_id(PK), name, email, password |
admins | (admin_id(PK), email, password) |
hospital | (rooms,private,available) |
patient | (patient_id(PK),name,age,gender,address,disease,room_number,contact,arrival_date,departure_date) |
doctor | (doctor_id(PK) ,name,age,gender,tenure,specialization,available) |
appointments | (doctor_id(PK),doctor_name ,patient_id ,patient_name ,date(PK),hr(PK)) |
leaflet_history | (doctor_id(PK), patient_id(PK),date(PK),hr(PK),disease,cure,room_number,arrival_date) |
Admins Table contains the details of the admins i.e. the people who control everything.
Hospitals Table contains the room system in the hospital and availability of rooms.
Users Table contains the booking agents details such as name, email.
Login (Admin & User)
Username - Not Empty & Valid Password - Not Empty & Valid
Password - minimun 8 characters Username - Contain letters only,Shouldn't AlreadyTaken Full Name, Address - Not Empty Email - Valid, Not Empty, Shouldn't Already Registered
Book an Appointment
Doctor ID - Not Empty & Number and belong to one of the doctos Date - Not Empty & From CURRENT_DATE till 2021 Hour - Following the 24 hour format
Add Doctors
Name,Gender and Age- Each Doctor's Name,Gender and Age Tenure-Doctors tenure whether permanent or temporary Specialization-Field of the doctor
- View Appointment - Users can view the ticket by entering a valid UserID date and time.
- View All Available Doctos - Both admins and users can see the details of all the doctos associated with the hospital.
- View All Users - Admins can see the details of all users registered in the system.
- View All Appointments - Admins can also view details of appointments made by all the users.
- View All History - Admins can also view full medical history of every patient and each patient can view his only.
- View all the rooms - Admins and users both can see the status of all the rooms at any time.
- Search appointments of your interest
The app involves various kinds of users such as patients,admins,users and doctors.Each of them has different offered by the app as the doctor has the option to view all of his appointments and give a report on a patients health.A user after log in has the ability to become a patient only if the desired type of bed is available.The patient has the power to set up an appointment with the doctor is he is free in the required time and date and also view his entire medical history.Admins have the right to view everything related to users and patients.
React Bootstrap Sass CSS
Express JS
Node JS
- Install Node and PGSQL on your system.
- Clone the repository on your system.
- Run the command in the terminal
npm install
nodemon index.js
- Then open another terminal and run the commands
npm install
npm start
- Open the db.js file and configure the settings as per your needs.
- Visit "http://localhost:3000" on your browser
- Now you are all set to start!
POST admin/add
→ Adds an admin to the site
GET admin/all
→ Gives back information of all the admins; Only the authenticated user can see his data
GET appointments/
→ shows a list of all the appointments; Admin View
GET appointments/one/:id&:date&:hr
→ shows the particular appointmets to the admin and the user concerned;Authenticated View
GET appointments/:id
→ shows the list of appointmets to the concerned user;Authenticated View
GET appointments/doctor/:id
→ shows the list of appointmets of the concerned user;Public View
POST appointments/:id
→ Adds an appointment by the user if the doctor is free at the asked time;Authenticated View
GET doctor/
→ shows a list of all the doctor; Public View
GET doctor/find/:key
→ shows the particular doctos with the specific key specialization; Public View
GET doctor/:id
→ shows the details of the concerned doctor;Public View
POST doctor/update/:id
→ updates the details of a doctor; Admin only
POST doctor/
→ Adds a dcotor by the admin if the details are complete: Admin View
GET history/
→ shows a list of all the history; Admin View
GET history/:id&:doctor_id&:date&:hr
→ shows the particular leaflet to the admin and the user concerned;Authenticated View
GET history/patient/:id
→ shows the list of leaflets of the concerned user; Authenticated View
POST history/:id
→ Adds an leaflet into the history of the user by the admin;Admin View
GET hospital/
→ Returns a list of all rooms and their status; Public View.
POST hospital/:room_number
→ Admin can update the status of a room; Must be authenticated
GET patient/
→ Provides the list of all the patients;Admin view
GET patient/:id
→ Provides the particular patients detail;Authenticated View
POST patient/
→ adds a patient if details found authenticated; Public View
POST patient/leave/:id
→ updates a patients departure time if details found authenticated; Authenticated View
GET user/all
→ Provides the list of all the users;Admin view
POST user/add
→ adds a user; Public View
|-- client
|-- |-- node_modules
| |--
| |-- debug.log
| |-- package-lock.json
| |-- package.json
| |-- public
| | |-- favicon.ico
| | |-- index.html
| | |-- logo192.png
| | |-- logo512.png
| | |-- manifest.json
| | `-- robots.txt
| `-- src
| |-- App.css
| |-- App.js
| |-- App.test.js
| |-- Auth.js
| |-- components
| | |-- About
| | | `-- About.js
| | |-- Admin
| | | `-- AdminLogin.js
| | |-- Appointments
| | | |-- Appointments.css
| | | |-- AppointmentsAdd.js
| | | |-- AppointmentsGet.js
| | | |-- AppointmentsHome.js
| | | |-- AppointmentsOne.js
| | | `-- DoctorAppointments.js
| | |-- Auth
| | | `-- Auth.js
| | |-- Doctor
| | | |-- DoctorAdd.js
| | | |-- DoctorFind.js
| | | |-- DoctorGet.js
| | | |-- DoctorHome.js
| | | `-- DoctorUpdate.js
| | |-- Footer
| | | `-- Footer.js
| | |-- History
| | | |-- HistoryAdd.js
| | | |-- HistoryGet.js
| | | |-- HistoryHome.js
| | | `-- HistoryPatient.js
| | |-- Home
| | | |-- Home.js
| | | |-- home.css
| | | `-- home.png
| | |-- Hospital
| | | |-- HospitalHome.js
| | | `-- HospitalUpdate.js
| | |-- Logout
| | | `-- logout.js
| | |-- Navbar
| | | `-- Navbar.js
| | |-- Patient
| | | |-- PatientAdd.js
| | | |-- PatientGet.js
| | | |-- PatientHome.js
| | | `-- PatientLeave.js
| | |-- ProtectedRoute.js
| | |-- Unauthorized.js
| | `-- User
| | |-- UserAdd.js
| | |-- UserAll.js
| | `-- UserLogin.js
| |-- index.css
| |-- index.js
| |-- logo.svg
| |-- reportWebVitals.js
| |-- setupTests.js
| `-- unauthorized.scss
|-- database.sql
|-- db.js
|-- images
| |-- appointments.PNG
| |-- doctors.PNG
| |-- home.PNG
| |-- hospital.PNG
| `-- patient.PNG
|-- index.js
|-- node_modules
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
`-- routes
|-- admin
| `-- admin.js
|-- appointments
| `-- appointments.js
|-- doctor
| `-- doctor.js
|-- history
| `-- history.js
|-- hospital
| `-- hospital.js
|-- patient
| `-- patient.js
`-- user
`-- user.js