Releases: PrinsFrank/standards
Releases · PrinsFrank/standards
v3.11.5 Updated languages, language names, TLDs unassigned
What's Changed
- Add several ancient egyption language codes to LanguageTagVariant by @github-actions in #294
- Automatic tld spec update by @github-actions in #297
- Several languages have been renamed, and they can't be mapped to their old names without manually adding this mapping by @PrinsFrank in #298
- Automatic language spec update by @github-actions in #296
Full Changelog: v3.11.4...v3.11.5
v3.11.4 Cuban peso convertible is now deprecated, Add reservedTLD, AnyTLD
What's Changed
- Do not export editorconfig by @szepeviktor in #286
- Add ReservedTLD by @szepeviktor in #289
- Add AnyTLD by @szepeviktor in #290
- Add tests for AnyTLD and ReservedTLD by @PrinsFrank in #291
- Automatic language-extensive spec update by @github-actions in #292
- Automatic currency spec update by @github-actions in #293
Full Changelog: v3.11.3...v3.11.4
v3.11.3 Update script codes, aliases & Indonesia has joined BRICS
What's Changed
- Automatic scripts spec update by @github-actions in #283
- Indonesia has joined BRICS by @PrinsFrank in #284
Other changes
- Properly sort enum cases based on their current name, instead of the name it would after current transliteration (Enum keys never change for BC) by @PrinsFrank in #282
Full Changelog: v3.11.2...v3.11.3
v3.11.2 Updated BRICS members
Full Changelog: v3.11.1...v3.11.2
v3.11.1 Allattaasitaamut added as new language tag variant
What's Changed
- Add Allattaasitaamut to language-subtag spec update by @github-actions in #278
Full Changelog: v3.11.0...v3.11.1
v3.11.0 HTTP Status code 104 added, userAssigned spaces in country codes
What's Changed
- Automatic update: HTTP status code 104 (Upload Resumption Supported) added by @github-actions in #273
- Add support for temporary assignments attributes in HTTP status codes by @PrinsFrank in #274
- Add temporary assignment methods to HTTP Status code enum by @PrinsFrank in #276
- Add methods to check if string of country- alpha2/alpha3/numeric is in user assigned space by @PrinsFrank in #271
- Bump dependency to enums package to fix array/list types by @PrinsFrank in #275
- Configure compact brace position PHPCSFixer by @PrinsFrank in #277
- Fix issue when updating a IntBackedEnum without a previous value is checked for a string by @PrinsFrank in #272
Full Changelog: v3.10.4...v3.11.0
What's Changed
- Add automatic spec update for EU by @PrinsFrank in #266
- Automatic language-extensive spec update by @github-actions in #268
- Update development dependencies to phpstan:^2
Full Changelog: v3.10.3...v3.10.4
v3.10.3 Add Bulgaria and Romania to schengen, Sweden to NATO
What's Changed
- Add Bulgaria and Romania as schengen members by @PrinsFrank in #264
- Document source and if specification is automatically or manually updated by @PrinsFrank in #263
- Add missing NATO member Sweden by @PrinsFrank in #265
Full Changelog: v3.10.2...v3.10.3
v3.10.2 PHP8.4 support, TLD "dabur" unassigned, "Bihari" language deprecated
What's Changed
- Automatic language spec update by @github-actions in #251
- TLD dabur got unassigned by @github-actions in #253
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #254
- Improve CurrencyMapping by @szepeviktor in #255
- Gracefully handle language renames by mapping previous name to new name instead of deprecating old key and adding a new one by @PrinsFrank in #258
- Automatic language spec update: "Tlicho, Dogrib" renamed to "Tlicho; Dogrib" by @github-actions in #252
- Add support for PHP8.4 by @PrinsFrank in #259
- Retrieve currency XML outside of gecko driver as that seems to be broken in latest version by @PrinsFrank in #260
- Readme improvements by @andrew-demb in #257
New Contributors
- @andrew-demb made their first contribution in #257
Full Changelog: v3.10.1...v3.10.2
v3.10.1 Zimbabwe dollar has been removed as currency (Replaced by Zimbabwe Gold)
What's Changed
- Zimbabwe dollar has been removed as currency (Replaced by Zimbabwe Gold) by @github-actions in #249
Full Changelog: v3.10.0...v3.10.1