Install app :
yarn install
You can run :
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
If you want to build you own profile, follow below steps to set it up
- We have
. - You can update
field to get your name. - In
, you can add url of your profile img or you get from local drive. Underassets
folder replace your profile with name ofprofile.jpg
- You can add your
pair with Key as Tittle, Value as URL. This will create link to your content. - Save the file and run
yarn start
in local to test.
Then create docker,
docker build -f Dockerfile -t profile-image:latest .
docker run -it -p 80:80 --rm profile-image:latest
And push to docker hub.
- You can find
main project directory; update with your docker image.
- Update the docker image
- Update
with your domain
akash tx cert create client --chain-id akashnet-2 --node <rpc-address> --from <from-name> --fees <uakt> -b block
akash tx deployment create deploy.yaml --from <from-name> --chain-id akashnet-2 -b block --fees <uakt> --node <rpc-address>
akash query market bid list --owner <owner-address> --node <rpc-address>
Note: you get provider address, dseq, oseq, gseq from above query cmd
akash tx market lease create --from <from-name > --owner <owner-address> --provider <provider-address> --dseq xxx --oseq 1 --gseq 1 --fees <xuakt> -b block --chain-id akashnet-2 --node <rpc-address>
akash provider send-manifest deploy.yaml --dseq xxx --provider <provider-address> --from <from-name> --node <rpc-address>
akash provider lease-status --provider <provider-address> --dseq xxxx --oseq 1 --gseq 1 --from <from-name> --node <rpc-address>
And also try to check these docs,
- Deployment docs from our friend @tombeynon or
- Official Akash docs