Starter "framework" that speeds up the initial scaffolding of a project where there isn't a CMS/data source or "proper" front-end framework backing it.
Lately i've been creating templates which get passed onto an in-house team or another developer to integrate into their CMS of choice. I'd always start a new project by scaffolding a basic directory structure and either manually creating or copying and pasting taskrunner configs and linters into a directory prior to starting.
Every time i started a new one, i'd tell myself to build something like this, but never did, until now 👍
This is only really meant to be used to create front-end or proof-of-concept sites that will then be integrated elsewhere and as a result, make the initial setup and compile/minify process easy and simple to handle.
- Gulp as the taskrunner
- BrowserSync to auto-reload the page
- Sass 5-1 architecture
- Built in reset/normalise
- Slim jQuery (for now)
- Component based styling
- Google fonts to start
- Typographic baseline built in
Get invovled and let me know what you'd do differently or change for the better as i'm always looking for the next best thing or "better" ways of doing things. For the time being, i trust this setup but definitely open to advice.
Thanks in advance!