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This platform provides suggestions based on the anime/manga title you input. It searches for recommendations within the same genre and ratings as your entered title.

The recommendation system of AniReco is still undergoing optimization, so we appreciate your patience as we work on further updates.



This Node.js application utilizes Express.js to create a web server that interacts with the MyAnimeList (MAL) API through the mal-scraper library. The application allows users to search for anime and manga recommendations based on specified genres and score ranges.


  • express: A web framework for Node.js.
  • express-session: Middleware for session management.
  • body-parser: Parses incoming request bodies.
  • cors: Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • fs: File system module for reading files.
  • mal-scraper: Library for scraping information from MyAnimeList.


  • cors: Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to handle requests from different domains.
  • body-parser: Parses JSON and URL-encoded request bodies.
  • express.static: Serves static files from the "public" directory.
  • express-session: Manages user sessions.


  • The application listens on port 3000.
  • Session secret is set to 'gensco'.
  • The mal-scraper is used to interact with the MyAnimeList API.


1. convertGenresToCodes(sessGenre)

  • Input: Array of genre names.
  • Output: Converts an array of genre names to an array of corresponding genre codes based on the predefined mapping.

2. compareByScore(anime1, anime2)

  • Input: Two anime objects.
  • Output: Comparison function to sort anime objects by score in descending order.


1. /search and /searchManga

  • Method: POST
  • Purpose: Handles user input for anime or manga search.
  • Functionality: Clears session data, fetches genre information for the provided title, and redirects to the respective recommendation page.

2. /Manga_recommendations and /recommendations

  • Method: GET
  • Purpose: Displays anime or manga recommendations based on user input.
  • Functionality: Retrieves genre information from the session, performs a search, and dynamically generates HTML content for recommended titles. Supports pagination with "Next Page" links.

3. /nextMangaPage and /nextAniPage

  • Method: GET
  • Purpose: Handles pagination for manga and anime recommendations.
  • Functionality: Adjusts score ranges and redirects to the respective recommendation page.

4. /

  • Method: GET
  • Purpose: Redirects the root URL to the main HTML page.

HTML Templates:

  • The application utilizes HTML templates located in the "public/html" directory.


  • The application has error handling for various scenarios.
  • Session variables are used to persist user input and recommendations across routes.
  • The application supports both anime and manga recommendations.
  • Pagination is implemented to allow users to navigate through multiple pages of recommendations.