TamperMonkey plugin that adds a ChatGPT windows on test pages at dl.tntu.edu.ua.
This script is in BETA, so it may not work properly.
- Install TamperMonkey extension for your browser. Install Tampermonkey
- Install this script by clicking on this link: Install Script.
- Open TamperMonkey dashboard and edit this script.
- Replace the const API_KEY = "" variable with your own API key from https://api.openai.com.
- Author is not responsible for any damage caused by this script.
- Remember to maintain academic integrity, using this script to cheat on tests may end up with you being expelled from university or account ban.
- OpenAI API Limits( like 3 requests per minute)
- Go to dl.tntu.edu.ua and open any test
- Behind every task you will see a button "Solve", with TextArea with editable prompt
- Check the prompt to match the task question and all the answers
- Click "Solve" button
- Wait for the answer to appear behind the task
- If the answer is wrong, click "Solve" again