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🦊 Logixlysia

Logixlysia is a logging library for ElysiaJS Screenshot of Logixlysia

πŸ“© Installation

bun add logixlysia

πŸ“ Usage

import { Elysia } from 'elysia'
import logixlysia from 'logixlysia'

const app = new Elysia({
  name: 'Logixlysia Example'
    config: {
      showBanner: true,
      ip: true,
      logFilePath: './logs/example.log',
        '🦊 {now} {level} {duration} {method} {pathname} {status} {message} {ip} {epoch}',
      logFilter: {
        level: ['ERROR', 'WARNING'],
        status: [500, 404],
        method: 'GET'



You can discover more about example in the example directory.

πŸ“š Documentation


Option Type Description Default
showBanner boolean Display the banner on the console true
ip boolean Display the incoming IP address based on the X-Forwarded-For header false
customLogMessage string Custom log message to display 🦊 {now} {level} {duration} {method} {pathname} {status} {message} {ip}
logFilter object Filter the logs based on the level, method, and status null
logFilePath string Path to the log file ./logs/elysia.log

Custom Log Message

Placeholder Description
{now} Current date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format
{level} Log level (INFO, WARNING, ERROR)
{duration} Request duration in milliseconds
{method} Request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS)
{pathname} Request pathname
{status} Response status code
{message} Custom message
{ip} Incoming IP address
{epoch} Current date and time in Unix epoch format (seconds since January 1, 1970

πŸ“„ License

Licensed under the MIT License.