Tool for numpad-like entering of times to control countdown and countdown-to-target of Clock-8001 via Companion.
Wanted a numpad on Streamdeck to enter a time which should be used to set a new countdown from or countdown to target on Clock-8001. I want to input the time without dividers or placeholder-zeros to reach the correct format.
Timepad runs as script in the background usually on the same machine as Companion. It receives an entered number as string from Companion via OSC and interpretes it in a practical way (watch below for details). For example you can enter just '1' for 1 minute, '130' for 1min 30sec or '030' for 30 seconds. Then recalculates inputs like 90 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes. Returning the resulting time by changing two custom variables 'timestring' and 'timesecs' in Companion. This variables can be used in OSC commands for Clock-8001: 'timestring' for countdown to target (format HH:mm:ss) 'timesecs' for countdown from time (seconds)
- Generic OSC device for timepad ( : 12322)
- two custom variables 'timestring' and 'timesecs' Names should not be changed unless you have to change it in the code
- custom variables for numpad entry, for e.g. 'numpad'
- numpad buttons append a character to numpad-variable ("Modify Variable Value with String Concatenation Operation")
- a clear button deletes the current content of numpad variable ("Set custom variable value")
- a set button sends the numpad variable as string to timepad with OSC-path '/timepad/numpad'
The input format is "HHmmss", but for fast typing, the priority of the input begins with minutes and seconds. So just have a look an the list below:
- 1 => 00:01:00
- 12 => 00:12:00
- 90 => 01:30:00
- 123 => 00:01:23
- 030 => 00:00:30
- 090 => 00:01:30
- 1234 => 00:12:34
- 12345 => 01:23:45
- 123456 = 12:34:56