Features implemented:
- Sign up and login with=> remembered input fields if user inputs invalid input (except for password)
- login with => remember me while login so that if login is successfull then username and password is remembered using cookies
- Forgot Password => send a mail having the token required for further authentication
- Premium=> allows users to subscribe as premium users
- landing page => after login, a page that randomly displays some albums
- albums page => displays all the albums, on clicking a particular album it goes to album page which displays the songs in that album
- artists page => displays all the artists, on clicking it goes to a page containing all of the artists songs and albums
- genres page => displays genres, on clicking goes to a page displaying all the albums in that genre
- Music player => fixed at the bottom, shows the song playing and music controls
- Search page => allows us to search among songs, artists, albums, genres
- Creating playlists => allows user to create playlists, add songs to this playlist and delete playlist
- Premium Albums=> Displays premium albums if user is registered as premium