Introducing our Product Directory - a user-friendly platform for seamless product discovery. Find what you need effortlessly with detailed listings and intuitive search features.
React.js, Redux, Chakra-UI, React-Components, HTML-CSS-JS
Use this Credentials to Signup as a user.
Password: renu@
Use this Credentials to Signup as a Admin.
Password: Push1697@
- Products page where all the products is provided and user buy it accordingly.
- Product details page where all details of particular products are provided
- Authenication is provided where data is getting stored in the Mongodb Database.
- Limited Items can be purchased based on the availabilty in stock.
- Special Admin login is provided.
- All components are cross-device cross platform compatible.
Clone the Repository from Github.
Then do the following steps:
cd myapp
npm install
npm run start