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📖 Table of Contents


➤ Table of Contents


➤ Roadmap

Milestone Release date Version
💧  1 -  Hydrogen 03.02.2020 version
🎈  2 -  Helium 02.04.2020 version
🔋  3 -  Lithium 11.05.2020 version
🛰  4 -  Beryllium 22.05.2020 version
☄️  5 -  Boron 19.08.2020 version
🌱  6 -  Carbon 09.09.2020 version
💨  7 -  Nitrogen 15.10.2020 version
🅾️  8 -  Oxygen 15.12.2020 version
🦷  9 -  Fluor 27.04.2021 version
💡  10 -  Neon 16.11.2022 version
🧂  11 -  Sodium 17.04.2023 version
🧲  12 -  Magnesium 21.02 2024 version
⚪  13 -  Aluminium 07.03 2025 version
🛎️  14 -  Silisium Q1/Q2 2025 version


➤ Backlog

Our backlog can be found here.


➤ Environments

Environment Branch/Tag CI Status
Production main Yes Build and deploy to didapp
Development (new features) dev and feat/ Yes Build and deploy to didapp/dev
Staging (pre-prod) Release tags Yes Build and deploy to didapp/staging


➤ Contributing

Contributions are very velcome! Here's some guidance to get started! ❤️

Getting started

  1. Check out the dev branch
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run-script create-env to create your own .env file for local testing
  4. Set neccessary parameters in your new .env file (see Set up .env below)
  5. Install the Azure App Service extension for vscode
  6. Install the ESLint extension for vscode
  7. Install the i18n Ally extension for vscode
  8. Create an Azure app registration, or ask one of the maintainers for access to an existing one
  9. Run npm run-script watch to watch both server and client changes concurrently

The following permissions are required by Azure App Registration:


Set up environment

You've copied .env.sample into .env, anually or using npm run-script create-env.

Now you need to set the required environment variables from this table:

Key Description Required
AUTH_PROVIDERS Auth providers. E.g. azuread-openidconnect and google. Yes
MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID ID of the AD application registration. Yes
MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET Password/secret of the AD application registration. Yes
MICROSOFT_REDIRECT_URI Redirect URL for Microsoft (azuread-openidconnect) login Yes
MICROSOFT_SCOPES Scopes for Microsoft Graph queries. See Yes
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ID of the Google application registration No
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET Password/secret of the Google registration. No
GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI Redirect URL for Google login No
GOOGLE_SCOPES Scopes for Google APIs and login No
PORT Defaults to 9001 No
SESSION_NAME A unique name for the sessions. No
SESSION_SIGNING_KEY Just a random string to secure the sessions. Yes
REDIS_CACHE_HOSTNAME Hostname for the Redis cache Yes
REDIS_CACHE_KEY Secret key for the Redis cache Yes
APOLLO_KEY Key for reporting to Apollo Studio Yes
APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT Graph variant for reporting to Apollo Studio. See this article Yes
MONGO_DB_CONNECTION_STRING Connection string for MongoDB Yes
MONGO_DB_DB_NAME Database name for MongoDB Yes
API_TOKEN_SECRET Secret to generate API tokens Yes
DEBUG To debug the Node backend. E.g. app* to see all logs from app. See debug. No
LAUNCH_BROWSER Set to 1 if you want to automatically open did in the browser when running watch task. No

Code structure

Folder/File Description
/shared Shared code between client and server
/shared/config/security Shared security configuration used by both the client and the server
/shared/utils/date Shared date utilities used by both the client and the server
/client Client TypeScript source using e.g. React and Apollo Client`.
/client/app React app entry point
/client/app React app parts
/client/common Common elements like icons etc
/client/components React components reusable throughout the solution
/client/graphql Graphql implementation for the client using @apollo/client
/client/helpers Helper functions
/client/pages Main pages of the solution
/client/types Types, models and interfaces
/client/utils Utility functions
/client/index.tsx Main entry point for the app
/server/public Public assets, static files hosted under "/"
/server/routes expressjs routes using hbs views
/server/graphql GraphQL implementation
/server/graphql/resolvers GraphQL resolvers, queries and mutations
/server/middleware Server side Express middleware functions
/server/middleware/passport passport authentication middleware
/server/services Services (MS Graph and Azure Table Storage)
/server/utils Utilities
/server/views Express HBS views
/server/app.ts Express app
/server/index.ts Node.js server

Node version

NB: did should be developed with node 18.12.0

It's recommended to use nvm. We have a .nvrc with node version set to 18.12.0.


did supports authentication with both Microsoft (azuread-openidconnect) and Google, but google support is in experimental state only supporting adding gmail accounts as externals to an existing Microsoft did subscription.


The auth providers are set in process.env.AUTH_PROVIDERS and sent to the client through GraphQL query authProviders.



See wiki for more details on using did with Google.

Branching / Deploying

Main branch

The /main branch requires pull requests, and is set up with a CI/CD pipeline which deploys to

Dev branch

The /dev branch also requires pull requests, and is set up with a CI/CD pipeline which deploys to

Feature branches

For new features use the naming convention below. A CI/CD pipeline which deploys to is set up for branches matching the pattern feat/* and dev.

Naming conventions

You are encouraged to branch with either of the following prefixes

  • hotfix/
  • bugfix/
  • feat/

See also

See also A successful Git branching model

If you want to test with your web app, checkout Creating your own app registration in the Azure Portal in our wiki.


Extensions for VS Code

The extension Apollo extension for VS Code is recommended for working with GraphQL in vscode.

The Apollo VS Code extension provides an all-in-one tooling experience for developing apps with Apollo.

The extension enables you to:


The client is documented here and the server is documented here.

We use for GraphQL schema documentation.


➤ Contributors

Carl Joakim Damsleth Ole Martin Pettersen Ole Kristian Mørch-Storstein
Carl Joakim Damsleth Ole Martin Pettersen Ole Kristian Mørch-Storstein