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Can be used to visualize the hierarchical structure of paths in the software crowd:it by accu:rate (📍 Germany)


To use this software, first clone the GitHub repo and navigate to out/artifacts/Praktikum2023_jar. You will find three files located there:

  • A file named config.cfg, that includes project config
  • A folder named testdata . This folder contains some json files for testing and demonstration.
  • A java archive named Praktikum2023.jar . You can run this file. If you want more debug information, use the cmd to execute the file. java -jar Praktikum2023.jar WARNING: You need to have java version 8+ installed.


The config.cfg file is used to configure the project.

key value default
JSON Relative path to json testdata/demo.json
START_COLLAPSED Boolean whether the graph is collapsed by default or not false
USE_LAYOUT Boolean whether the graph is using the layout true

IMPORTANT: THE config.cfg file has to be kept in the same directory as the jar file at all times.


Configure the json with the following structure.


Possible Values for name:

  • Every String except for these: PRG_ROOT, PATHS, PRG_END

Possible Values for names:

  • All names of nodes, sub-paths or sets
  • Warning Looping causes errors

Possible Values for capacity (Sub-path only):

  • All integers (Length of list has to be the same as names list)

Possible Values for probs (Sub-path only):

  • All floats (Length of list has to be the same as names list)

Possible Values for type (Sub-path only):

Integer Sub-path Type
0 Normal
1 Random

Possible Values for priority (Set only):

Integer Set Priority Type
0 Closest
1 Furthest
2 Shortest Wait
3 Shortest & Closest Wait
4 Random
5 Random & Empty
6 Lowest Frequency

Tools & Shortcuts

The following tools are available:

  • Save as png (Ctrl + S)
  • Save as svg (Ctrl + V)
  • Collapse all (Ctrl + C)
  • Expand all (Ctrl + E)

All tools are accessible under the tools menu

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Contributors 3

