Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for instruments from Signal Recovery
- Sebastien J. Weber (
- Louis Grandvaux (
Below is the list of instruments included in this plugin
- Lockin_DSP7270: control of the Lockin DSP7270 model (for instance to control the oscillator frequency)
- Lockin_DSP7265: control of the Lockin DSP7265 model (diffenrential measurement not implemented)
- Lockin_DSP7270: control of the Lockin DSP7270 model
- Lockin_DSP7265: control of the Lockin DSP7265 model
Based on the pymeasure package providing instruments base class among which the DSP7265 and DSP7270
DSP7265 only support gpib communication protocol using NI-VISA driver.
The Signal Recovery driver SRUSBDRIVERSV4 of the lockin should be installed for the usb connection to be recognized by the VISA protocol.
The USB communication odf the DSP7270 should be set to NULL