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PUT (graphics statement)

Cory Smith edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

The PUT graphics statement is used to place GET (graphics statement) or BSAVE file images stored in the designated array.


PUT [STEP](column, row), Array([index])[,] [_CLIP] [{PSET|PRESET|AND|OR|XOR}]][, omitcolor]


  • The STEP keyword can be used to for coordinates relative to the last graphic coordinates used.
  • column and row INTEGER coordinate values designate the top left corner where the image is to be placed and cannot be off screen.
  • The INTEGER array holds data of an image box area created by GET (graphics statement). The brackets can be empty or designate a starting index.
  • _CLIP can be used in QB64 when part of an image must be off screen.
  • XOR, PSET, PRESET, OR or AND actions will affect the coloring of the image on certain background colors. See below.
  • omitcolor is the pixel color attribute to ignore in QB64 only. This may be used instead of using an AND mask.


  • The entire box area of the image MUST be on the screen or an "Illegal function call" ERROR Codes will occur!
  • In QB64 _CLIP can be used when part of the image may be off of the screen. This will also prevent off screen errors!
    • PUT (-10, 10), mypic(0), PSET ' this causes an illegal function call without _CLIP
    • PUT (-10, 10), mypic(0), _CLIP PSET ' allows a graphic to be placed partially off-screen
    • PUT (-10, 10), mypic(0), _CLIP ' uses the default PUT XOR operation
    • PUT (-10, 10), mypic(0), _CLIP PSET, 4 ' doesn't place the red pixels of the image
  • In QB64 a background color attribute can be removed from the PUT image using the omit color option instead of creating a mask.
  • The arrays must have image data at the array index given. GET (graphics statement) or BLOAD should be used to place image data into the array.
  • The INTEGER array size can be calculated as slightly larger than the box area width times the height. A closer estimate can be done by reading the array indices from UBOUND to LBOUND after a GET (graphics statement) of a white box area. In QB64 a LONG array can be used for large or full screen images.
  • If no arrays index (brackets optional in QB) is designated, the image will be assumed to be at the array's starting index.
  • The first two indices of the arrays or array offset will hold the width and height of the stored image area. In SCREEN 13 divide the width by 8.
  • More than one image can be stored in the INTEGER array by indexing the GET (graphics statement) array offset. Be sure the index is not already used!
  • A _DEST handle can be set to PUT images elsewhere other than on the current screen. Use _SOURCE to GET (graphics statement) images there.
  • If no color action is listed after the image array, the action will be assumed to be the default XOR.
    • XOR may blend with background colors, but can be used to erase an image when placed a second time.
    • PSET completely overwrites any background with the identical image.
    • PRESET creates a inverted coloring of the original image completely overwriting the background.
    • AND merges background colors with the black areas of the image where a white image mask is used.
    • OR blends the background and foreground colors together.
  • In QB64 _PUTIMAGE is recommended over PUT as it can also do the GET (graphics statement) directly from the image source without requiring an array.
  • PUT and GET file statements can also write and read image array data using BINARY files instead of using BSAVE or BLOAD.


How GET and PUT can be used with images loaded with _LOADIMAGE. The background color is omitted or "masked".

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256)
image& = _LOADIMAGE("QB64.png")  'replace with your own image

wide& = _WIDTH(image&): deep& = _HEIGHT(image&)
DIM Array(wide& * deep&) AS INTEGER

_SOURCE image&              'REQUIRED to GET the proper image area!
GET (0, 0)-(wide& - 1, deep& - 1), Array(0)

_COPYPALETTE image&, 0      'necessary for custom image colors other than screen defaults
PUT(10, 10), Array(0), PSET , _RGB(255, 255, 255)   'mask white background color

Explanation: QB64 allows one PUT color to be "masked" to allow odd shaped sprite image backgrounds to be transparent.

Using a STRING instead of an arrays to store GET image data that can be PUT later. For images up to 256 colors only.

a$ = SPACE$(4 + 100)            '4 byte header + 100 pixels for a 10 X 10 image
LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), 4, BF   'color 4 = CHR$(4) = ♦
LINE (40, 40)-(49, 49), 14, B   'color 14 = CHR$(14) = ♫
GET (40, 40)-(49, 49), a$

K$ = INPUT$(1)

PRINT a$                        'display string data. Width = CHR$(10 * 8) = "P"
PUT(100, 100), a$, PSET 

Explanation: The header holds the INTEGER width and depth of the image area as 2 bytes each. Screen 13 width is multiplied by 8.

See Also

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