The AES Keygen scripts demonstrates use of the EaaS API ( to download Quantum Random, and convert that random to AES keys. It will output a CSV file, each row being a keys and IV.
This script utilizes curl, jq, xxd. These must be installed, e.g. for Debian based machines:
apt-get install -y curl jq xxd
The top of the script will contain some parameters to customize the behavior, as shown:
apiToken=**COPY API TOKEN**
- apiToken - Required. This can be obtained by following the instructions at, and copying from there the access token.
- outFile - Output path for the CSV file
- keySize - AES key size in bytes
- iv - IV size in bytes
- testKeys - Flag to test each key by encryption/decryption a string, using OpenSSL
The script itself is, no parameters necessary.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS