Scraper for searching a WG on and notify via Pushover or Telegram
After setting up the scraper it will search the predefined url (with your specific filter options) and give you an update via pushover or telegram when new objects are being listed.
Define your preferred way of notification in the config.txt file under use_notification and set your pushover user-token & app-token or your telegram bot-token & bot-chatID before use or there will be no notification. Also add your specific Search URL with the defined filters for your city (
The scraper is using BeautifulSoup4, so you have to install it on your machine.
First install python3-pip with:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
And the Bs4-Modul with:
pip3 install bs4
If deployed on a server or raspberry-pi use a crontab to let it run in the background. A good interval would be every 5 minutes.
crontab -e
And insert following crontab statement:
*/5 * * * * cd /your/path/to/script/wg-gesucht_scraper && exec python3