While the goal was to implement alexnet in cuda, you can create all the architecture you want, using convolutional, maxpool and fully connected layer.
Here there is an exemple of a network with 2 conv layers and 3 FC layers.
You can create a network by calling:
Network net(num_neurons, lr)
if you want create a network with only FC
Network net(img_side, channels, lr)
if you want create a network with the first layer convolutional
- num_neurons is the number of neurons of the first layer
- img_side is the side of the input image, so if you want to import an image 24x24 put 24 here. You can only work on squared images
- channels the channels of the input image, in a nutshell, 1 if the image is black and white and 3 if is colored
- lr the learning rate
You can then add new layer by calling the proper function to the network
net.addConvLayer(int kern_size, int num_kernels, int stride, bool pad, Act func)
if pad is true will pad the image with kern_size-1, and func is the activation function choose between reLu, sigmoid and softmaxnet.addFullLayer(int neurons, Act func)
where neurons is the number of neuron of the layernet.addPoolLayer(int pool_size, int stride)
where pool_size is the size of the max pooling kernel, also this is a square