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Contributing to Black Game Devs

Catt Small edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

Run this project locally

  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Download NPM by following this guide. You'll need at least node version 10.0.
  3. Open your command line editor and install Yarn by running npm install -g yarn in your terminal.
  4. Run yarn in your command line editor while inside the project directory to install project dependencies.
  5. After the installation completes, run yarn start in your command line editor to spin up your development environment. When it says SUCCESS, open localhost:8000.

Adding to the list

We made it easy to add a new person or company to the directory.

  1. Open the TEMPLATES folder and choose PERSON-COPY-ME.mdx or COMPANY-COPY-ME.mdx depending on whether your submission is one person or a studio (both is also fine).
  2. Duplicate the file and save it in the directory folder as your name with underscores instead of spaces (for example: Catt_Small.mdx).
  3. Edit and save the file.
  4. Create and submit a pull request for us to review.


If you have edit access to this repository, you can merge the branch into main after receiving two approvals. Then, update the front-facing site by running yarn deploy. This will push an update to the gh-pages branch.