Q- Astro Dew Monitor for a max of 2 dew heaters
Version 5.1.0 is released. For this release you need to update the Arduino code as well.
You can find details about this Dew Monitor on my website: https://www.q-astro.com/#/ascom-auto-dew-monitor/ For a version history you can have a look at the VersionHistory.txt file.
When using the Monitor App in Manual mode, be aware that updates can take a few update cycles to filter back to the Monitor App. Also switching back from Manual to Automatic mode will take a few update cycles to reflect the change.
You can communicate directly with the Arduino on the board (e.g. using puTTY) and the following commands are available to you:
- i# - This return what it is and its version number.
- od# - Returns Dew Point in Celsius.
- oex# - Returns the Dew Band temperature in celcius, where x is either 1 or 2 for the specific Dew Band.
- oi# - Returns in sec the last time the Sensor data was read from the Dew Monitor.
- om# - This gives you the status if the Dew Heater is in Auto or Manual mode (0 = Auto & 1 = Manual).
- omx# - Where x can be 0 or 1, this sets the Dew Heater to either Manual (1) or Auto (0)
- opxyyy# - Where x can be 1 or 2, for the dew band selected and yyy is the power percentage you want to apply to the dew band (0 – 100%). This only works when the Dew Monitor is in manual mode (m=1).
- opx# - Where x can be 1 or 2 and will return the current power (in %) applied to the requested dew band.
- or# - Force an update of the sensor data.
- oz# - This return all available data in a single string. This is what the ASCOM driver uses.
- ex = x either 1 or 2, gives you the temp of either Dew Band 1 or 2 (in Celsius)
- h = Humidity (%)
- i = last update time
- m = What is the mode of the Dew Monitor (0 = Auto, 1 = Manual)
- b = Pressure
- px = The power supplied to either Dew Band 1 or 2 (x=1 or 2) in %
- t = Observatory temp