There are two ways to use this workshop:
- Using the
, which will run R studio in your browser with all the necessary packages pre-installed
- your changes will not be saved after the binder closes!
- Running locally by cloning or downloading this repository.
If you are running locally, there are a few set-up steps necessary for everything to work smoothly:
- Make sure R is running version 4.4.0 or later.
- Update packages
- Download or clone this repo:
- using the green 'Code' button on the top right of the page download the .zip folder and unzip it locally.
- if you are familiar with git, you can clone the repo.
- complete the following install instructions.
Open the cloned directory in file explorer / finder and double click on the .Rproj to open up R studio inside that directory. Now run the appropriate (for your OS) code in your console as described below.
If you have Rtools44 and devtools
installed, you can build the latest version of the package directly from github using:
If you do not have Rtools and devtools
, you can install the package with:
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
if you have xcode-select
and devtools
installed, you can build the latest version of the package directly from github using:
On apple it is nice and easy to download xcode-select
by opening a terminal and copying this code: xcode-select --install
. Then try and run: devtools::install_github("")
Let's check! Under 'files' in Rstudio, open up state-space-walkthrough.qmd
in R and click the 'Render' button on the top ribbon. The first render might take a few minutes to install the necessary R packages, if everything works then a cool HTML will be rendered, by default it will pop up in Rstudio when complete.