The solution to checking for dead TS (TypeScript) exports by an all repo.
The author has analyzed the following solutions before the solution creation:
- "Unused Exports…" (VS Code plugin).
The main minuses of solutions above:
- redundant information in a report;
- ignoring types using as name spaces part.
- (DONE) searching by one module.
- (DONE) searching by one type.
- (DONE) modules written in TSX support.
- (DONE) finding using types without name spaces.
- Finding using types with name spaces.
- Searching by few modules.
- Searching by few types.
- Modules written in TS support.
- Output by all paths with dead types.
- Output by all dead types with its names.
- Auto detection of directories.
- Flexible logging support.
- Recursion usage to delete restriction of searching levels.