awacs-scanner is a fully automated scanner that uses a combination of genocide_engine, nmap, vulners, osint to get as much as possible info and vulnerabilities about a system/systems. This removes the hassle of googling the version number of a service and trying to find exploits that may or may not even work. Because awacs-scanner supports getting targets from a file you can easily for example save all the target company subdomains to a file and let awacs-scanner handle the rest.
"The Boeing AWACS is positioned to provide mission-critical surveillance support as well as assisting military and civilian authorities in coordinating humanitarian relief."
BTW. awacs-scanner has nothing to do with the actual plane, it is just named that because the plane is used for survaillence, so is awacs-scanner.
- Vulners API to search for exploits
- SearchSploit to search for exploits
- S3 Bucket discovery
git clone
cd awacs-scanner
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3
- If you have Vulners API keys, go to /root/.awacs and put your vulners api key into the configuration.conf file in this format:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Targets/target to scan in one of these formats: divided by "," or file of targets.
-f FLAGS, --flags FLAGS
Nmap flags ("-sV -A")
--st ST, --scan-type ST
stealth_flight, vuln_scan, battering_ram (Read more about scans from github)
Configuration file for awacs scanner (Syntax in github).
--company COMPANY Name of the company being scanned. This will be used for s3 bucket scanning ("NULL" if it's not a company)
awacs -t target.txt --st stealth_flight
awacs -t -f "-p 21"
awacs -t, --st battering_ram -c config.conf
awacs -t randomcompany.corp --st battering_ram --company randomcompany
Showing an example of awacs-scanner’s potential by scanning a russian ftp server.
- stealth_flight
- Syn nmap scan
- Sesitive file discovery by osint
- S3 Bucket discovery
- vuln_scan (default if none provided)
- Nmap scan with version detection
- Use searchsploit to search for exploits
- Use vulners api to search for exploits
- battering_ram
- Full aggressive nmap
- Full genocide_engine treatment
- Same as vuln_scan without the nmap one
- S3 Bucket discovery
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