Chatroom application based on React and Spring Boot with a user administration interface.
Backend repository:
Frontend repository:
Mandatory for the first connection
E-mail containing link to reset password
Password reset page in case you forget your password
List of all users (with pagination, 7 per page)
List of disabled users (with pagination, 7 per page)
Email containing default password sent to the newly created user
An administrator can modify, delete, deactivate and activate users.
List of all chats of the current user (with pagination, 6 per page)
List of chats created by the current user (with pagination, 6 per page)
List of chats to which the current user is invited (with pagination, 6 per page)
Empty chat list
functional and expired cat
If user is creator: edit, invite users, remove members, delete.
If user is guest: quit
John (client 1) joins the chat "Chat 1", then Jane (client 2) joins.
John sends a message
Jane receives the message sent by John, then replies.
John receives the message sent by Jane.
Jane leaves the chat.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.