This repository contains the code that was used to inform the model described in Chapter 5 of Providing Another Chance: Resetting Recidivism Risk in Criminal Background Checks.
The single Jupyter notebook contained in this repository can be run in its entirety or chunk by chunk to reproduce the findings in the report.
The data used can be downloaded from the North Carolina Department Of Adult Correction Offender Public Information. Appendicies A and C of the report describe how the data was prepared for our analysis.
Additional information about this effort can be found on in the report linked above or via the project's page on the Open Science Framework website.
Copyright (C) 2023 RAND Corporation. This code is made available under the GPL-v3 license.
@book{RR-A1360-1, author="Bushway, Shawn D. and Brian G. Vegetabile and Nidhi Kalra and Lee Remi and Greg Baumann", title="Providing Another Chance: Resetting Recidivism Risk in Criminal Background Checks", address="Santa Monica, CA", year="2022", doi="10.7249/RRA1360-1", publisher="RAND Corporation" }