Install a python with datetime patched:
apt-get install -y apt-build ver="2.7.6" wget$ver/Python-$ver.tgz tar xzvf Python-$ver.tgz cd Python-$ver patch -Np1 < $mars/patches/py2.7-strftime-pre-1900.patch ./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-ipv6 --with-fpectl --enable-shared --enable-unicode=ucs4 && make && make install cd ../.. rm -rf tmp
mkdir workdir cwd=$PWD prefix=$cwd/libs mars=$cwd/mars git clone ssh:// $mars mkdir tmp cd tmp sudo apt-get install -y build-essential m4 libtool pkg-config autoconf gettext bzip2 groff man-db automake \\ libsigc++-2.0-dev git libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev python-setuptools python-dev \\ libjpeg62-dev libreadline-dev python-pil wv poppler-utils libldap-dev
For ldap support:
apt-get install -y libldap2-dev libldap-2.4-2 libsasl2-dev
Install the latest version of Python 2.7 in prefix directory
in ~/.buildout/default.cfg that egg cache & download cache point to the desired cache directories
Install project
cd $mars $prefix/bin/python touch etc/sys/ # and edit it when necessary bin/buildout -vvvvvNc -c buildout-(dev/prod/devinprod).cfg
Then read the Create a new site section.
- To develop your application, run the
buildout, it extends this one but: - it comes with development tools.
- it configures the instance to be more verbose (debug mode & verbose security)
- it has only one instance and not all the hassles from production.
Love to know that Minitage support includes xml libs, ldap, dbs; python, dependencies & common eggs cache for things like lxml or Pillow), subversion & much more.
|-- etc/base.cfg -> The base buildout |-- buildout-prod.cfg -> buildout for production |-- buildout-dev.cfg -> buildout for development
In etc/base.cfg
, we extends directly plone release versions & sources files.
- Think you have the most important sections of this buildout configuration in etc/mars.cfg
Set the project developement specific settings there
etc/project/ |-- plone.cfg -> `-- versions.cfg -> minimal version pinning for installing your project
etc/init.d/ -> various init script (eg supervisor) etc/logrotate.d/ -> various logrotate configuration files etc/sys/ |-- high-availability.cfg -> Project production settings like supervision, loadbalancer and so on |-- maintenance.cfg -> Project maintenance settings (crons, logs) `-- settings.cfg -> various settings (crons hours, hosts, installation paths, ports, passwords)
etc/templates/ |-- balancer.conf.template -> haproxy template. | Copy or ln the generated file 'etc/loadbalancing/balancer.conf' to your haproxy installation if any. `-- logrotate.conf.template -> logrotate configuration file template for your Zope logs `-- supervisor.initd -> template for supervisor init script
sudo su cd /etc/init.d ln -s /path/to/buildout/etc/init.d/supervisor.initd supervisor-mars update-rc.d supervisor-mars defaults exit
etc/backends/ |-- etc/backends/zeo.cfg -> zeoserver configuration if any
add a configuration file in etc/sites extend it in buildout-prod.cfg (and, if necessary, in buildout-dev.cfg) add the process in high-availability.cfg add the vhost in vhost-mars.conf add the site in scripts/ locally test the buildout run the buildout under production reload supervisor, start the services create a ssh tunnel towards site port change the admin password create marsadmin user create a plone site with Plone id install Mars component change site title import Mars/Ldap profile test ldap connection
bin/instance debug >>> app.Plone.acl_users.plugins._plugins = {key: [value for value in values if value != 'ldap-plugin'] for key, values in app.Plone.acl_users.plugins._plugins.items()} >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit()
Since 2023, there is a chicken and egg problem on initial bootstrap that needs some eggs to be preinstalled on sitepackages for buildout to run once. The idea is to install them, then uninstall them because that will also break buildout recipes namespace import scheme when instance launchers are called. Upon all eggs except the neccessary to make buildout are uninstalled from site-packages, you will need to make buildout run a final time for everything to work.
export TMPDIR=$(pwd)/var/tmp /data/libs/python/bin/python -m pip install virtualenv /data/libs/python/bin/python2 -m virtualenv --python=python2 --always-copy --system-site-packages venv sc='import sys\ntry:\n sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")\nexcept AttributeError:\n reload(sys);sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")\n\n' printf "$sc">/data/libs/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ # AS ROOT is the initial python is owned by root . venv/bin/activate printf "$sc">venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ eggs="zc.buildout zodbpickle plone.recipe.zeoserver setuptools zc.recipe.egg mr.developer" pip install --force $(for i in $eggs;do echo "$i==$(echo $(grep -E "^$i\s+=\s+" etc/project/versions.cfg |awk -F= '{print $2}'))";done) buildout bootstrap -c "buildout-dev.cfg|buildout-prod.cfg|buildout-devinprod.cfg" --buildout-version=$bver --setuptools-version=$sver # make buildout run once completly and without error bin/buildout -vvvNc $config # then pip uninstall -y btrees concurrent mr.developer persistent plone.recipe.zeoserver transaction zc.lockfile zc.recipe.egg zconfig zdaemon zeo zodb zodb3 zodbpickle zope.interface zope.mkzeoinstance zopeundo bin/buildout -vvvNc $config