A Python library that tries to implement various linear algebra concepts (inspired by a genious friend's idea)
This project is just a proof-of-concept and shouldn't be used in production code. Also, it may get discontinued and eventually archived at any point in time.
pip install 'rberga06-linear-algebra @ git+https://github.com/rberga06/linear-algebra'
# Import everything from the library
from rberga06.linalg import *
# Play around with vectors
v1 = Vec([1, 2, 3]) # [1 2 3]
v2 = Vec.fill(1j, 5) # [1j 1j 1j 1j 1j]
# Play around with matrices
m1 = Mat([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
m1[0,:] # select the first row
m1[:,0] # select the first column
# select the first (0) and third (2) elements
# of the even (::2) rows:
# or, equivalently (since m[::2,:] is another Mat):
For more examples, please have a look at the tests.