Created by students for students
Students Teach is a platform that connects students with other students and creates an environment where students help each other out!
To get a local copy up and running follow steps below:
Below tools are required to run the application:
- node.js (how to install)
- yarn or npm
Open your terminal and paste below commands:
git clone
cd backend-capstone-turkey-students-teach
It clones the repo and goes to the cloned directory. Change the .envsample file name as .env, and fill it with your information.
It installs the dependencies
yarn start
It runs the app in the development mode. Default port is http://localhost:3000 You will also see any lint errors in the console.
yarn test
Launches the test runner
- Students can register / login via JWT or Google Auth
- Students can become tutors
- Students can ask and/or answer the questions
- Users can filter and search questions and tutors
- Students can communicate inside channels
- Crud operations for questions
- Crud operations for tutors
- Crud operations for messaging channels
- Middleware for only auth and only tutor
- Unit tests via using jest framework
Meet our team members through their GitHub profiles
@Ammar |
@alfawal |
@emirsagit |
@ehabhalil |
@inasalarabi |
@Muhammeday99 |