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2020 09 17 Mantainers Meeting Minutes

Nicholas Car edited this page Sep 17, 2020 · 1 revision


Nicholas Car
Ashley Sommer
Edmond Chuk


  1. Review Last Meeting
  2. Address PRs
  3. Graph() API
  4. Closed Namespace Review
  5. Package relations


  1. Review Last Meeting
  • this is the first, recent, meeting to use GitHub for Minutes so no previous minutes to review
  • resolved to create wiki pages like this one for all future meetings so we can always easily review previous meetings' minutes
  1. Address PRs
  • Started at PR #1068 and progressed into Page 1 of ~35 PRs. Closed several WONTFIXes
  1. Graph() API
  • Completed deprecation of g.load() by replacing downstream uses of it with g.parse() (PR #1167)
  1. Closed Namespace Review
  • Discussed PR #1074 and all agreed that it was excellent and valuable work. Wrote to author and involved contributors within PR conversation to ask if it's ready for merging as it has a lot of chat.
  1. Package relations
  • Discussed pushing some work of Ashley's in pySHACL into RDFlib - he is still working on de-merging the code which is for auto-parsing of a file if not given a format parameter or a file ending
  • Discussed merging JSON-LD package into RDFlib core
    • Agreed this should happen after JSON-LD work in rdflib-jsonld is complete
    • Edmond advises JSON-LD 1.1. work is only 2/7 or so elements complete
    • Nick wrote to mailing list to ask for volunteers for JSON-LD 1.1. work in rdflib-jsonld