Releases: REVrobotics/REV-Software-Binaries
Releases · REVrobotics/REV-Software-Binaries
SPARK MAX firmware 25.0.2
- Fixes follower mode bug where motor will continue to spin after receiving command to stop following
SPARK MAX Firmware 25.0.1
Note for updating
If you have any SPARK MAXes on your bus that are running firmware version 25.0.0, turn the robot power off and update those SPARK MAXes to version 25.0.1 individually. Once all devices on the bus are running either version 25.0.1 or version 24.0.1 or earlier, you can turn the robot back on and update the remaining devices in bulk.
- Fixes a bug causing high CAN utilization when devices with 24.0.x firmware are present and Hardware Client is opened
SPARK MAX Firmware 25.0.0
NOTE: We recommend performing a Factory Reset and then Persisting Parameters on every SPARK updated to firmware 25.0.0 and later for the first time.
New Features
- Adds support for zero-centered mode for duty cycle sensor
- Adds MAXMotion
- Only sends periodic CAN frames if they are needed (except for frames 0 and 1, which are enabled by default)
- Optimizes parameter operations for lower CAN traffic
- Reworks the CAN frames for better performance and reliability
- Supports standard roboRIO Universal Heartbeat
- Reorganizes faults to differentiate between warnings (which will not stop the motor) and faults (which will stop the motor)
- Slows down status frames when other devices are updating firmware
SPARK Flex firmware 25.0.2
- Improves CAN handling to fix CAN timeouts
- Fixes analog position when using a Flex Dock in brushless mode.
- Fixes follower mode bug where motor will continue to spin after receiving command to stop following
- Fixes incorrect default for kDutyCyclePrescaler on SPARK Flex
- Fixes encoder readings in brushed mode when using Flex Dock
- Fixes temperature readings in brushed mode when using Flex Dock
SPARK Flex Firmware 25.0.0
NOTE: We recommend performing a Factory Reset and then Persisting Parameters on every SPARK updated to firmware 25.0.0 and later for the first time.
- Fixes issue where burning flash would fail occasionally
- Fixes case where CAN message handling can be delayed by a few milliseconds
- Improves updating a downstream PDH, PH, or Servo Hub
New Features
- Adds MAXMotion
- Supports standard roboRIO Universal Heartbeat
- Only sends periodic CAN frames if they are needed (except for frames 0 and 1, which are enabled by default)
- Optimizes parameter operations for lower CAN traffic
- Reworks the CAN frames for better performance and reliability
- Reorganizes faults to differentiate between warnings (which will not stop the motor) and faults (which will stop the motor)
- Slows down status frames when other devices are updating firmware
- Adds support for Flex Dock
- Adds support for zero-centered mode for duty cycle sensor
SPARK MAX firmware 25.0.4
- Fixes issue where SPARK MAX crashes after receiving a new set position value for primary encoder while in brushed mode
SPARK MAX firmware 25.0.3
- Fixes issue where connecting a SPARK MAX to a computer for the first time with previous v25.+ causes all SPARK MAXes to be unidentifiable by the Hardware Client
- See release notes for Hardware Client 1.7.1
Servo Hub firmware 25.0.2
- Fixes 'Servo Hub x reported temporary power loss' reported when a battery is charged above 13.5V
Servo Hub firmware 25.0.1
- Fixes bug causing some servo hub boards to read channel current more slowly
- Fixes case where Servo Hub doesn't report being in the primary lock state
Servo Hub firmware 25.0.0
- Improves robustness of overcurrent handling
- Tracking for whether any CAN message came from hardware CAN
- Recovery task to detect when the short-circuit is removed
- Turn off the Buck Regulator when PGood falls
- Set PGood Fault based on pin state