npm install sails-seed
Depending on you version of sails, sails-seed is treated differently On install, a config/seeds.js is created. Here you will put your seeding data.
For Sails 0.11 and greater there is nothing further to do. Sails-seed runs as an installable hook.
For Sails 0.10 and previous, a file of api/hook/seed/index.js is created on installation. No further configuration is required, but this file is necessary for the data to seed.
Place your seeding data in the config/seeds.js file. For exampe, for a Person model, your config/seeds.js file might look like
module.exports.seeds = {
person: [
firstName: 'Luke',
lastName: 'Skywalker'
firstName: 'Darth',
lastName: 'Vader'
By default, sails-seed will not overwrite the data which is present. If you would not like your seed to overwrite, your new config/seeds.js file might look like
module.exports.seeds = {
person: {
data: [
firstName: 'Luke',
lastName: 'Skywalker'
firstName: 'Darth',
lastName: 'Vader'
overwrite: false
If you would like to seed only data that is not presetnt, you can use a unique field(s), like so
module.exports.seeds = {
person: {
data: [
firstName: 'Luke',
lastName: 'Skywalker'
firstName: 'Darth',
lastName: 'Vader'
unique: ['lastName', 'firstName']
This will only create objects that do not have the unique firstName and lastName combinations Given an overwrite true option, sails-seed will only overwrite items which match the unique requirements.
If you would like disable the seed hook (say for testing purposes) simply add the following config option
module.exports.seeds = {
disable: true,
person: {
data: [
firstName: 'Luke',
lastName: 'Skywalker'
firstName: 'Darth',
lastName: 'Vader'
unique: ['lastName', 'firstName']
If you would like to disable per model, you can add an active option. Like so will disable the person seeding
module.exports.seeds = {
person: {
active: false,
data: [
firstName: 'Luke',
lastName: 'Skywalker'
firstName: 'Darth',
lastName: 'Vader'
unique: ['lastName', 'firstName']
You may also set configurations (say for testing) via the sails pipeline. Just make sure that you have set the configurations you wish you have before the hook:moduleloader:loaded event. This way you wouldn't have to change your configuration for testing in the code, and could have the test configuration.
M. Elliot Frost, CEO of Frostware