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Improve replay converter (lower error in testing)
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Rolv-Arild committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 27d7500 commit c7fa6eb
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Showing 4 changed files with 209 additions and 96 deletions.
162 changes: 127 additions & 35 deletions rlgym_tools/rocket_league/replays/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import numpy as np
from rlgym.rocket_league.api import GameState, Car
from rlgym.rocket_league.common_values import ORANGE_TEAM, BLUE_TEAM, TICKS_PER_SECOND, DOUBLEJUMP_MAX_DELAY, \
from rlgym.rocket_league.math import quat_to_rot_mtx
from rlgym.rocket_league.sim import RocketSimEngine
from rlgym.rocket_league.state_mutators import FixedTeamSizeMutator, KickoffMutator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ def optional_njit(f, *args, **kwargs):
def replay_to_rlgym(
replay: ParsedReplay,
interpolation: Literal["none", "linear", "rocketsim"] = "rocketsim",
predict_pyr: bool = True,
calculate_error: bool = False,
step_rounding: Callable[[float], int] = round,
modify_action_fn: Callable[[Car, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] = None
) -> Iterable[ReplayFrame]:
Expand All @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def replay_to_rlgym(
:param replay: The parsed replay to convert
:param interpolation: The interpolation mode to use. "none" uses the raw data, "linear" interpolates between frames,
"rocketsim" uses RocketSim to interpolate between frames.
:param predict_pyr: Whether to predict pitch, yaw, roll from changes in quaternion
:param predict_pyr: Whether to predict pitch, yaw, roll from changes in angular velocity
(they're the only part of the action not provided by the replay)
:param calculate_error: Whether to calculate the error between the data from the replay and the interpolated data.
:param step_rounding: A function to round the number of ticks to step. Default is round.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ def replay_to_rlgym(
linear_interpolation, predict_pyr)
next_scoring_team = None
if goal_frame is not None:
# Get last index of ball_df, as it may have been shortened
end_frame = goal_frame = ball_df.index[-1]
next_scoring_team = BLUE_TEAM if ball_df["pos_y"].iloc[-1] > 0 else ORANGE_TEAM

# Prepare tuples for faster iteration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,19 +178,25 @@ def replay_to_rlgym(
actions = {}
update_age = {}
errors = {}

for uid, player_row in zip(player_ids, car_rows):
car =[uid]
hit = (frame, uid) in hits

if calculate_error: # and i > 0 and not player_rows[player_ids.index(uid)][i - 1].is_repeat:
action, error_pos, error_quat, error_vel, error_ang_vel \
action, error_pos, error_quat, error_vel, error_ang_vel, error_car_state \
= _update_car_and_get_action(car, linear_interpolation, player_row, state,
calculate_error=True, hit=hit)
if frame != start_frame and not np.isnan(error_pos):
if (frame != start_frame # Need to set the initial state first
and frame != goal_frame # Goals can send players flying
and not np.isnan(error_pos) # It returns nan during repeat frames
and not car.is_demoed): # Demoed cars just retain their physics from before the demo
errors[uid] = {
"pos": error_pos,
"quat": error_quat,
"vel": error_vel,
"ang_vel": error_ang_vel,
"car_state": error_car_state,
action = _update_car_and_get_action(car, linear_interpolation, player_row, state, hit=hit)
Expand All @@ -199,6 +207,23 @@ def replay_to_rlgym(
actions[uid] = action
update_age[uid] = player_row.update_age if not player_row.is_demoed else 0

# Now detect demos so bump victims are correctly set
for uid, player_row in zip(player_ids, car_rows):
if player_row.got_demoed:
closest = None
for uid2 in player_ids:
if uid == uid2:
if[uid2].bump_victim_id == uid:
break # Trust this if available
dist = np.linalg.norm([uid].physics.position -[uid2].physics.position)
if closest is None or dist < closest[1]:
closest = (uid2, dist)
if closest[1] < 200 + 2 * CAR_MAX_SPEED * average_tick_rate / TICKS_PER_SECOND:[closest[0]].bump_victim_id = uid

if state.goal_scored:
if state.scoring_team == BLUE_TEAM:
blue += 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,28 +278,57 @@ def replay_to_rlgym(

def _prepare_segment_dfs(replay, start_frame, end_frame, linear_interpolation, predict_pyr):
game_df = replay.game_df.loc[start_frame:end_frame].astype(float)
ball_df = replay.ball_df.loc[start_frame:end_frame].astype(float)
# Find the first frame where the ball is sleeping and not at the origin, that's when the goal actually happens
actual_goal = ball_df.index[(ball_df["is_sleeping"] == 1) & (ball_df["pos_x"] != 0) & (ball_df["pos_y"] != 0)]
if len(actual_goal) > 0 and actual_goal[0] < end_frame:
end_frame = actual_goal[0]
ball_df = ball_df.loc[:end_frame]
game_df = replay.game_df.loc[start_frame:end_frame].astype(float)

# Fill missing ball values
ball_df["quat_w"] = ball_df["quat_w"].fillna(1.0)
ball_df = ball_df.ffill().fillna(0.)

# Players
player_dfs = {}
for uid, pdf in replay.player_dfs.items():
pdf = pdf.loc[start_frame:end_frame].astype(float)
physics_cols = ([f"{col}_{axis}" for col in ("pos", "vel", "ang_vel") for axis in "xyz"] +
[f"quat_{axis}" for axis in "wxyz"])

# Physics info is repeated 1-3 times, so we need to not use those values
is_repeat = (pdf[physics_cols].diff() == 0).all(axis=1)

# If something repeats for 4 or more frames, assume it's not a real repeat, just the player standing still
is_repeat &= (is_repeat.rolling(4).sum() < 4)

# Physics info is nan while the player is demoed
is_demoed = pdf["pos_x"].isna()

# Interpolate, smooth, and shift (essentially shift by -0.5)
pdf[["throttle", "steer"]] = pdf[["throttle", "steer"]].ffill().fillna(255 / 2)
pdf.loc[is_repeat, ["throttle", "steer"]] = np.nan
pdf[["throttle", "steer"]] = (pdf[["throttle", "steer"]].interpolate()
.rolling(2).mean().shift(-1, fill_value=255 / 2))

# Remove nans
pdf = pdf.ffill().fillna(0.)
pdf["is_repeat"] = is_repeat.astype(float)
pdf["is_repeat"] = is_repeat
pdf["is_demoed"] = is_demoed.astype(float)
pdf["got_demoed"] = pdf["is_demoed"].diff() > 0
pdf["respawned"] = pdf["is_demoed"].diff() < 0
pdf["jumped"] = pdf["jump_is_active"].fillna(0.).diff() > 0
pdf["dodged"] = pdf["dodge_is_active"].fillna(0.).diff() > 0
pdf["double_jumped"] = pdf["double_jump_is_active"].fillna(0.).diff() > 0

# We need to make sure we do some actions 1 frame before so they're active when they're supposed to be
# We treat jump and dodge differently on first frame since the requirements are different
pdf["jumped"] = (pdf["jump_is_active"].diff() > 0).shift(-1, fill_value=False)
pdf["dodged"] = (pdf["dodge_is_active"].diff() > 0).shift(-1, fill_value=False)
pdf[["dodge_torque_x", "dodge_torque_y"]] = pdf[["dodge_torque_x", "dodge_torque_y"]].shift(-1, fill_value=0.)
pdf["double_jumped"] = (pdf["double_jump_is_active"].diff() > 0).shift(-1, fill_value=False)
boosted = (pdf["boost_is_active"].diff() > 0).shift(-1, fill_value=False)
pdf.loc[boosted, "boost_is_active"] = 1
flipped_car = (pdf["flip_car_is_active"].diff() > 0).shift(-1, fill_value=False)
pdf.loc[flipped_car, "flip_car_is_active"] = 1

times = game_df["time"].copy()
times[is_repeat] = np.nan
Expand All @@ -286,16 +340,15 @@ def _prepare_segment_dfs(replay, start_frame, end_frame, linear_interpolation, p
if predict_pyr:
pyrs = pyr_from_dataframe(game_df, pdf)
pdf.loc[~is_repeat, pyr_cols] = pyrs
# ffill because pyr calculation makes a smooth transition from one angvel to the next
pdf[pyr_cols] = pdf[pyr_cols].ffill().fillna(0.)

# Player physics info is repeated 1-3 times, so we need to remove those
if linear_interpolation:
# Set interpolate cols to NaN if they are repeated
pdf.loc[is_repeat, physics_cols] = np.nan
pdf = pdf.interpolate() # Note that this assumes equal time steps
# # Shift the columns used for actions by 1 and add 0s for the first frame
# action_cols = ["throttle", "steer", "pitch", "yaw", "roll", "jumped", "dodged", "dodge_is_active",
# "double_jumped", "flip_car_is_active", "boost_is_active", "handbrake"]
# pdf[action_cols] = pdf[action_cols].shift(-1).fillna(0.)

player_dfs[int(uid)] = pdf
game_df["episode_seconds_remaining"] = game_df["time"].iloc[-1] - game_df["time"]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,27 +389,33 @@ def _prepare_segment_dfs(replay, start_frame, end_frame, linear_interpolation, p

def _update_car_and_get_action(car: Car, linear_interpolation: bool, player_row, state: GameState,
calculate_error=False, hit: bool = False):
error_pos = error_quat = error_vel = error_ang_vel = np.nan
error_pos = error_quat = error_vel = error_ang_vel = error_car_state = np.nan
if linear_interpolation or not player_row.is_repeat:
true_pos = (player_row.pos_x, player_row.pos_y, player_row.pos_z)
true_vel = (player_row.vel_x, player_row.vel_y, player_row.vel_z)
true_ang_vel = (player_row.ang_vel_x, player_row.ang_vel_y, player_row.ang_vel_z)
true_quat = (player_row.quat_w, player_row.quat_x, player_row.quat_y, player_row.quat_z)

if calculate_error and not (player_row.respawned or (player_row.is_demoed and not player_row.got_demoed)):
error_pos = np.linalg.norm(car.physics.position - np.array(true_pos))
error_quat = min(np.linalg.norm(car.physics.quaternion - np.array(true_quat)),
np.linalg.norm(car.physics.quaternion + np.array(true_quat)))
error_vel = np.linalg.norm(car.physics.linear_velocity - np.array(true_vel))
error_ang_vel = np.linalg.norm(car.physics.angular_velocity - np.array(true_ang_vel))
error_car_state = sum(( # Directly known information about the car from the replay
car.is_demoed != player_row.is_demoed,
abs(car.boost_amount - player_row.boost_amount) / 100,
car.is_jumping != player_row.jump_is_active,
car.is_flipping != player_row.dodge_is_active,

if player_row.got_demoed and not car.is_demoed:
car.demo_respawn_timer = 3
elif player_row.is_demoed and not car.is_demoed:
car.demo_respawn_timer = 1 / TICKS_PER_SECOND
elif not player_row.is_demoed and car.is_demoed:
car.demo_respawn_timer = 0

if calculate_error and not player_row.respawned:
error_pos = np.linalg.norm(car.physics.position - np.array(true_pos))
error_quat = min(np.linalg.norm(car.physics.quaternion - np.array(true_quat)),
np.linalg.norm(car.physics.quaternion + np.array(true_quat)))
error_vel = np.linalg.norm(car.physics.linear_velocity - np.array(true_vel))
error_ang_vel = np.linalg.norm(car.physics.angular_velocity - np.array(true_ang_vel))

car.physics.position[:] = true_pos
car.physics.linear_velocity[:] = true_vel
car.physics.angular_velocity[:] = true_ang_vel
Expand All @@ -377,17 +436,31 @@ def _update_car_and_get_action(car: Car, linear_interpolation: bool, player_row,
if player_row.dodged or player_row.double_jumped:
# Make sure the car is in a valid state for dodging/double jumping
car.has_flipped = False
car.on_ground = False
# car.jump_time = 0
if car.on_ground:
car.on_ground = False
car.is_holding_jump = False
car.has_double_jumped = False
if car.air_time_since_jump >= DOUBLEJUMP_MAX_DELAY:
car.air_time_since_jump = DOUBLEJUMP_MAX_DELAY - 1 / TICKS_PER_SECOND
assert car.can_flip

if player_row.jumped:
car.on_ground = True
car.has_jumped = False
if not car.on_ground:
car.on_ground = True
jump = 1
elif player_row.jump_is_active:
# assert not car.on_ground
# Player is holding jump
if car.on_ground:
car.on_ground = False
car.air_time_since_jump = 0
car.is_jumping = True
car.is_holding_jump = True
car.has_jumped = True
car.has_flipped = False
car.has_double_jumped = False
if car.jump_time > JUMP_MAX_TIME:
car.jump_time = JUMP_MAX_TIME - 1 / TICKS_PER_SECOND
jump = 1
elif player_row.dodged:
new_pitch = -player_row.dodge_torque_y
Expand All @@ -408,15 +481,17 @@ def _update_car_and_get_action(car: Car, linear_interpolation: bool, player_row,
actual_torque = np.array([player_row.dodge_torque_x, player_row.dodge_torque_y, 0])
actual_torque = actual_torque / (np.linalg.norm(actual_torque) or 1)

car.on_ground = False
if car.on_ground:
car.on_ground = False
# car.is_flipping = True
car.flip_torque = actual_torque
car.has_flipped = True
if car.flip_time >= FLIP_TORQUE_TIME:
car.has_double_jumped = False
if car.flip_time <= 0:
car.flip_time = 1 / TICKS_PER_SECOND
elif car.flip_time >= FLIP_TORQUE_TIME:

assert not car.has_flip

# Pitch/yaw/roll is handled by inverse aerial control function already,
# it knows about the flip and detects the cancel automatically
# pitch = yaw = roll = 0
Expand All @@ -431,18 +506,35 @@ def _update_car_and_get_action(car: Car, linear_interpolation: bool, player_row,
roll = roll * limiter
yaw = yaw * limiter
jump = 1
assert car.has_flip
elif player_row.double_jump_is_active:
if car.on_ground:
car.on_ground = False
car.has_double_jumped = True
car.has_flipped = False
assert not car.has_flip
elif player_row.flip_car_is_active and not car.is_autoflipping:
# I think this is autoflip?
car.on_ground = False
# I think flip_car is autoflip?
if car.on_ground:
car.on_ground = False
jump = 1

if car.on_ground:
car.air_time_since_jump = 0
# car.jump_time = 0 # Not reset for whatever reason, might be in the future
car.flip_time = 0
car.has_flipped = False
car.has_jumped = False
car.has_double_jumped = False

if hit and car.ball_touches == 0:
car.ball_touches = 1
boost = player_row.boost_is_active
handbrake = player_row.handbrake
action = np.array([throttle, steer, pitch, yaw, roll, jump, boost, handbrake],
if calculate_error:
return action, error_pos, error_quat, error_vel, error_ang_vel
return action, error_pos, error_quat, error_vel, error_ang_vel, error_car_state
return action

Expand All @@ -463,7 +555,7 @@ def _multi_aerial_inputs(quats, ang_vels, times, is_flipping):

def pyr_from_dataframe(game_df, player_df):
is_repeated = player_df["is_repeat"].values == 1
is_repeated = player_df["is_repeat"].values
times = game_df["time"].values.astype(np.float32)
ang_vels = player_df[['ang_vel_x', 'ang_vel_y', 'ang_vel_z']].values.astype(np.float32)
quats = player_df[['quat_w', 'quat_x', 'quat_y', 'quat_z']].values.astype(np.float32)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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author='Rolv-Arild Braaten, Lucas Emery and Matthew Allen',
'rlgym>=2.0.0', # Including release candidates starting from 2.0.0
'rlgym-rocket-league[sim]>=2.0.0' # Remove if we ever add other envs
Expand Down

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