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Linked Lists - Skip List

UW CSS-342 Data Structures, Algorithms, And Discrete Mathematics I


This programming assignment implements a skip list and compares its performance with that of the doubly linked and the MTF lists you have implemented/used in the laboratory work 5.

Skip List

The skip list is a sorted list whose find( ) is bounded by O( log n ) on average. As shown below, a level-6 skip list consists of six parallel lists where the lowest list includes all items in a sorted order; middle lists inherit items from their one-level lower list with a 50% possibility; and the top list includes no items. All of those lists' left and right most items are a dummy whose actual value is a negative and positive infinitive respectively.

S5: -inf <----------------------------------------------------------> +inf
      ^                                                                ^
      |                                                                |
      v                                                                v
S4: -inf <----------> 17 <------------------------------------------> +inf 
      ^               ^                                                ^
      |               |                                                |
      v               v                                                v
S3: -inf <----------> 17 <----------> 25 <--------------------------> +inf 
      ^               ^               ^                                ^
      |               |               |                                |
      v               v               v                                v
S2: -inf <----------> 17 <----------> 25 <----------> 38 <----------> +inf
      ^               ^               ^               ^                ^
      |               |               |               |                |
      v               v               v               v                v
S1: -inf <--> 12 <--> 17 <----------> 25 <--> 31 <--> 38 <----------> +inf
      ^       ^       ^               ^       ^       ^                ^
      |       |       |               |       |       |                |
      v       v       v               v       v       v                v
S0: -inf <--> 12 <--> 17 <--> 20 <--> 25 <--> 31 <--> 38 <--> 45 <--> +inf

Find Algorithm

Given a value to find, the find( ) function starts with the left most dummy item of the top level list, (-inf of S5 in the above example), and repeats the following two steps until it reaches the item at the lowest list that includes the given value:

1. move right toward +inf while the current item < the given value,
2. shift down to the same item at the next lower list if it exists

For instance, in order to find item 31, we traverse from S5's -inf through S4's -inf, S4's 17, S3's 17, S3's 25, S2's 25, S1's 25, S1's 31, and S0's 31. In our implementation, we have two methods such as find() and searchPointer():

template<class Object>
bool SList<Object>::find( const Object &obj )
  // points to the level-0 item close to a given object
  SListNode<Object> *p = searchPointer( obj );

  return ( p->next != NULL && p->item == obj );     // true if obj was found

template<class Object>
SListNode<Object> *SList<Object>::searchPointer( const Object &obj ) {
  // return a pointer to the item whose value == obj.
  // or
  // return a pointer to the first item whose value > obj if we can't find
  // the exact item.

Insert Algorithm

Given a new object to insert, the insert( object ) function starts with calling searchPointer( object ). If searchPointer( value ) returns a pointer to the exact item, we don't have to insert this value. Otherwise, start inserting this item just in front of (i.e., on the left side of) what searchPointer( object ) has returned. After inserting the item at the lowest level, (i.e., at S0), you have to repeat the following steps:

1. Calls **rand( ) % 2** to decide whether the same item should be inserted in a one-level higher list. Insert one when **rand( ) % 2** returns 1, otherwise stop the insertion.
2. To insert the same new item in a one-level higher list, move left toward -inf at the current level until encountering an item that has a link to the one-higher level list.
3. Shift up to the same item in the next higher list.
4. Move right just one time, (i.e., to the next item).
5. Insert the new item in front of the current item.

For instance, to insert item 23, you have to go to item 25, insert 23 in front of 25, and thereafter call rand( ) % 2 to decide if you need to insert the same item in the next higher list. If it returns 1, you have to traverse S0's 20, S0's 17, S1's 17, and S1's 25. Insert 23 before item 25. Repeat the same sequence of operations to insert 23 on S2, S3, and S4. However, don't insert any items at the top level, (i.e., S5).

S5: -inf <------------------------------------------------------------------> +inf
      ^                                                                        ^
      |                                                                        |
      v                                                                        v
S4: -inf <----------> 17 <---------->    <----------------------------------> +inf 
      ^               ^                                                        ^
      |               |                                                        |
      v               v                                                        v
S3: -inf <----------> 17 <---------->    <--> 25 <--------------------------> +inf 
      ^               ^                       ^                                ^
      |               |                       |                                |
      v               v                       v                                v
S2: -inf <----------> 17 <---------->    <--> 25 <----------> 38 <----------> +inf
      ^               ^                       ^               ^                ^
      |               |                       |               |                |
      v               v                       v               v                v
S1: -inf <--> 12 <--> 17 <---------->    <--> 25 <--> 31 <--> 38 <----------> +inf
      ^       ^       ^               ^       ^       ^       ^                ^
      |       |       |               |       |       |       |                |
      v       v       v               v       v       v       v                v
S0: -inf <--> 12 <--> 17 <--> 20 <--> 23 <--> 25 <--> 31 <--> 38 <--> 45 <--> +inf

Delete Algorithm

Given an object to delete, the remove( object ) function starts with calling searchPointer( object ). If searchPointer( value ) returns a pointer to the exact item, we delete this item from the lowest up to the highest level as repeatedly traversing a pointer from the current item to its above item. For instance, to delete item 17, start its deletion from S0's 17, simply go up to S1's 17, delete it, and repeat the same operations till you delete S4's 17.

Statement of Work

  • Download the following files to your project. Note that slist.cpp.h won't be copied, because it is what you have to design and is thus read-protected. You'll see the following files:

    • dlist.h: a doubly-linked list's header file
    • dlist.cpp.h: a doubly-linked list's template implementation
    • mtflist.h: an MTF list's header file
    • mtflist.cpp.h: an MTF list's template implementation (from Lab 5)
    • transposelist.h: an transpose list's header file
    • transposelist.cpp.h: an transpose list's template implementation (from Lab 5)
    • slist.h: a skip list's header file
    • slist_incomplete.cpp.h: a skip list's template cpp file that you have to complete
    • driver.cpp: a main program for the skip list
  • Complete slist_incomplete.cpp.h by implementing the insert and remove functions:

template<class Object>
void SList<Object>::insert( const Object &obj ) {
  // right points to the level-0 item before which a new object is inserted.
  SListNode<Object> *right = searchPointer( obj );
  SListNode<Object> *up = NULL;

  if ( right->next != NULL && right->item == obj )  
    // there is an identical object

  // Implement the rest by yourself /////////////////////////////////////////

template<class Object>
void SList<Object>::remove( const Object &obj ) {
  // p points to the level-0 item to delete
  SListNode<Object> *p = searchPointer( obj );      

  // validate if p is not the left most or right most and exactly contains the
  // item to delete
  if ( p->prev == NULL || p->next == NULL || p->item != obj )

  // Implement the rest by yourself /////////////////////////////////////////
  • Compile and run the driver program, (driver.cpp) in order to verify the correctness of your implementation. Before compile, change your slist_incomplete.cpp.h to slist.cpp.h. Did you obtain the same results as follows?
 mv slist_incomplete.cpp slist.cpp
 g++ driver.cpp
#faculty members: 10
-inf    -inf    -inf    -inf    -inf    -inf
berger  berger  berger
erdly   erdly   erdly   erdly   erdly
olson   olson   olson
unknown unknown
zander  zander
+inf    +inf    +inf    +inf    +inf    +inf

deleting unknown
#faculty members: 9
-inf    -inf    -inf    -inf    -inf    -inf
berger  berger  berger
erdly   erdly   erdly   erdly   erdly
olson   olson   olson
zander  zander
+inf    +inf    +inf    +inf    +inf    +inf

find *p->item = stiber
finding stiber = 1

create another list
find *p->item = stiber
finding stiber = 1
#faculty members: 9

cost of find = 104

  • Change driver.cpp to driver.cpp.old and download statistics.cppPreview the documentView in a new window This program is used for your performance evaluation. Compile and run statistics.cpp in order to compare the performance among the doubly-linked, MTF, transpose, and skip lists. Run this statistics with 10000 items:

     g++ statistics.cpp
     ./a.out 10000

What to Turn in

Clearly state any other assumptions you have made. Your softcopy should include:

  1. All .h and .cpp files: The professor (or the grader) will compile your program with "g++ driver.cpp" and "g++ statistics.cpp" for grading your work. Make sure that the archive includes your own slist.cpp.h, (i.e., slist_incomplete.cpp.h you have modified).
  2. A separate report in .doc or .docx:

(2a) an output of the driver.cpp execution,

(2b) performance results (Don't include all the results obtained from statistics.cpp. Simply include the cost of each list execution you saw at the very end of statistics.cpp's outputs, and

(2c) your performance consideration in a half page. (Consider the performance if statistics.cpp randomly accesses list items.)

Grading Guide and Answers

Check the following grading guide to see how your homework will be graded. Key answer will be made available after the due date through Solution page.

1. Documentation (10pts)
   An output of the driver.cpp execution, (i.e. execution cost of each list)
   Correct (5pt)                      Wrong (0pt)

   Performance consideration about the cost with random list node accesses.
   Well considered (5pt)              Not enough (0pt)

2. Correctness (70pts)
   Successful compilation
   Compiled(20pts)    Compilation errors(0pt): If not compiled, 0 for this correctness category

   Insert algorithm
   Correct(25pts)  1 bug(20pts)    2 bugs(15pts)    3 bugs(10pt)    4+ bugs(0pt)

   Delete Algorithm
   Correct(25pts)  1 bug(20pts)    2 bugs(15pts)    3 bugs(10pt)    4+ bugs(0pt)
3. Program Organization (20pts)
   Write comments to help the professor or the grader understand your
   pointer operations.

   Proper comments
   Good (10pts)       Fair (7pts)      Poor(3pts)        No explanations(0pt)

   Coding style (proper identations, blank lines, variable names, and non-
   redundant code)
   Good (10pts)       Fair (7pts)      Poor(3pts)        No explanations(0pt)


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