Plumber simple GUI desktop application for Apache Kafka based on librdkafka/modern-cpp-kafka and
Qt and written on C++. Docker/browser free just download and run.
- View all topics;
- View messages and add new messages;
- Add and drop topics;
- Show JSON in a pretty-printed format;
- Encode/decode protobuf;
- Experimental encode/decode avro.
plumber is kafkaui. The kafkaui project was renamed to adhere to the Apache Software Foundation's (ASF) trademark policies. Apart from the name, nothing else was changed.
- Qt >= 6;
- librdkafka >= 1.7;
- spdlog;
- Boost;
- Snappy;
- protobuf >= 3.14.0.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make
$ ./plumber
.\vcpkg.exe install qt:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe install librdkafka[*]:x64-windows --recurse
.\vcpkg.exe install spdlog:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe install boost:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe install spdlog:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe install protobuf:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe install snappy:x64-windows
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build build
[path to vcpkg]\installed\x64-windows\tools\Qt6\bin\windeployqt.debug.bat windeployqt.exe -qmldir=[path to vcpkg]\installed\x64-windows\Qt6\qml [project]\plumber\build\Debug
cp -r [path to vcpkg]\installed\x64-windows\Qt6\qml\Qt\labs\platform [project]\plumber\build\Debugqml\Qt\labs\
% brew install librdkafka
% brew install spdlog
% brew install qt@6
% brew install boost
% brew install protobuf
% brew install snappy
% cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
% cmake --build build --config Release