This is a single-file implementation of the MAX-MIN Ant System (MMAS) as described in: Stützle, Thomas, and Holger H. Hoos. "MAX-MIN Ant System." Future generation computer systems 16.8 (2000): 889-914.
It is intended for educational purposes and lacks generality. It uses by default so-called candidate lists to speed up the search process. The parameters are set to values suggested in the paper. No pheromone resetting is implemented, and only the iteration best solution is used when depositing pheromone. For the deeper understanding of how the MMAS works, please, refer to the paper.
It supports (partially) loading of (A)TSP instances from the well-known TSPLIB repository.
Run make
from the command line -- by default, it requires GCC version with
C++11 support but any other C++ compiler with C++11 support should be fine.
The default target is release,
i.e., optimized version but it can be changed
to debug.
By default, it tries to load kroA100.tsp.
TSP instance from the current directory
however, the instance path can be given as a parameter.
As the algorithm is being executed, the program outputs information about each improved solution found. By default, the algorithm is terminated after ants have constructed 1 million solutions.
Example output:
Read line: NAME: kroA100
Read line: TYPE: TSP
Read line: COMMENT: 100-city problem A (Krolak/Felts/Nelson)
Read line: DIMENSION: 100
Greedy solution cost: 27807
initial_pheromone: 3.59622e-07
New best solution found with cost: 27696 at iteration 0
New best solution found with cost: 26399 at iteration 0
New best solution found with cost: 25311 at iteration 0
New best solution found with cost: 25126 at iteration 1
New best solution found with cost: 25065 at iteration 1
New best solution found with cost: 24807 at iteration 2
New best solution found with cost: 24694 at iteration 6
New best solution found with cost: 21368 at iteration 58240
New best solution found with cost: 21282 at iteration 58241