Elina Simeonova Genova - Developer Front-end
- Email : ESGenova20@codingburgas.bg
Marya Zhivkova Ilcheva - Developer Front-end
- Email : MZIlcheva19@codingburgas.bg
Yoanna Vladimirova Simeonova - Designer
- Email : YVSimeonova19@codingburgas.bg
Kalin Stoyanov Chervenkov - Developer Back-end
- Email : KSChervenkov19@codingburgas.bg
Radina Valerieva Velichkova - Scrum Trainer
- Email : RVVelichkova18@codingburgas.bg
Atanas Angelov Burmov - Developer Back-end
- Email : AABurmov18@codingburgas.bg
We have created a website, app and database that help people learn and exchange ideas about lakes, endangered birds and their habitats.
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